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“Are you okay?” he asked, his lips still brushing hers, ever so slightly. Those were the first words either of them had uttered since leaving the ball.

“You have no idea just how okay I am right now.” Her voice sounded raspy as she wrapped her arms around him. She reveled at how his broad back narrowed at the waist and at the sheer masculine width and breadth of him.

In turn, he smoothed a wisp of hair off her forehead and kissed the skin he’d just uncovered with such tenderness it nearly made her cry. He searched her eyes. She answered him with a kiss that promised, Yes, I want this. I want you.

She longed to tell him exactly how many different ways she had imagined this moment and how glad she was that they no longer had to deny themselves.

But that would take too many words.

Tonight was not a night of words. And that was a good thing because the words couldn’t find their way past her lips.

Still, he answered her silently with a sultry smile as he reached over, pulled open the drawer to his bedside table and took out a few condoms, which he tossed on top of the nightstand, where they would be ready and waiting when they needed them.

Once again, just as he’d done in the foyer, his hands found hers, and he laced their fingers together. She looked at their entwined hands. His were big and handsome, masculine hands. They lingered a moment on hers, gripping, flexing, hesitating, as if he were silently giving her one last chance to change her mind, to flee, back to just friends. After knowing each other for three weeks, they’d left behind the pretense of boss and nanny.

And there was no turning back now. That was the last thing she wanted.

A rush of red-hot need spiraled through her. He must have read it in her face, because he let go of her hands, and in a fevered rush, he rolled over onto his back, bringing her with him. As he kissed her softly, gently, her fingers found their way into his hair. She pulled him close, closer, until they were kissing with an all-consuming need.

His warm palms slipped between them and splayed over her breasts. His fingers paid reverence to her nipples, then trailed down her belly, where they lingered and played, tracing small circles that made her stomach muscles tighten and spasm in such agonizing pleasure that all her girl parts sang.

Actually they weren’t singing. They were begging.

Then his hand slid even farther still, teasing its way toward her center, toward a hidden silken place that had been craving his touch.

But after another swift move, she found herself underneath him again. Her fingers swept over his tight shoulders and muscled arms, exploring the firm sinew before going south and discovering the curve of his tight derriere. She pulled him closer, so that the hardness of him pressed into her, urging her legs to part, proving to her that his need was as strong as hers.

But he still made her wait, teetering on that fine line between anguish and ecstasy.

He claimed her mouth again, capturing her tongue with his, teasing her until she almost couldn’t bear it any longer. But with every fiber of her being she concentrated on the moment. Until she thought she would burst with longing.

She wrapped herself around him, kissing him hard on the mouth, all lips and tongue and take-me-right-now touches.

She loved how her curves fit perfectly into the hard angles of his body. When he moved his hands to her hips, claiming her body and pulling her closer, she arched against him, backing off to give herself enough room to slide her hand down and claim his erection. Teasing him over and over, she rubbed and stroked his desire. Until he finally put on the condom. He nudged her legs apart with his thigh and buried himself inside her.

* * *

At the rate he was going, if he didn’t slow down, it would be over before he could show her exactly how much he had loved her.

Yes. He loved her.

The strangest sensation came over him.

For the first time in his life, he didn’t want to run.

He had no idea where this was going, but he knew he would be here to find out.

He slowed his pace, kissing her neck as their bodies found a natural rhythm.

He was lost in the feel of her, the smell and taste of her, until something out of place pushed its way into his awareness.

He really hadn’t intended for this to happen tonight. Okay, so he’d wanted it and he was glad it had. But if he’d planned on seducing her, he would’ve reserved a room at the hotel.
