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I was fairly certain that was nothing much more than a fig leaf, but it was his prerogative as my husband. All I had to worry about was doing as I was told.

He’d discovered other things too, one of which was something I still had great difficulty understanding, but something I’d spent more time playing with my clit imagining than just about anything else. That was when he played with my ass.

Though it was never easy, it had been a profound revelation, that I could get so much pleasure from something that was at the same time so uncomfortable, and often humiliating or degrading.

We’d explored some of that too, and though I blushed at even the memory of it, whenever he forced my bottomhole with his fingers, my plug, or especially his big cock, when my anus was stretched widest, my breaths coming in pants, he would make a point of murmuring to me in a low, scolding voice, “Dirty girl…”

It always made me want to hide my head in mortification, but somehow being “shamed” in that way for the illicit, confusing pleasure I took in having my ass used… only made it more erotic. I was sure there were much deeper psychological reasons for what that was, but for now, we were content just to enjoy it for what it was.

Which was incredibly fuckinghot.

Nick’s phone buzzed on the desktop, and he plucked it up on the second ring.

“Shawn? Hey, man, how are—oh, okay. Go for it.”

He listened for a minute, then nodded once, and again, his eyes blinking rapidly. “You… you’re sure? No bullshit? I was hoping the geo survey would come back with something, but god damn…”

He listened some more, then jumped to his feet, running his fingers through his hair. “Shawn, run that by me again? That’s each, not total? Unreal… okay. Yeah. Yep. I… I need to tell Eva. Holy shit. Yeah, I’ll call you back tonight.”

Then he hung up, dropping the phone onto his desk as he dropped back into his chair. His beard was coming in much more now, having gone days since shaving. I didn’t care—I loved that rougher look on him.

He swiveled in his chair, facing me. “Well, pretty girl. I’ve…got some… news, I guess.”

My belly twisted then at that wording. Had something terrible happened? Shawn was his business partner, whom Nick had been working with for years now, so I dreaded the possibility something might be going south with their business as I watched Nick sitting there rubbing his chin with one hand. “What… what is it, Nick? Are you okay?”

“Um, yeah, I’d say so.” He smiled then, and my heart immediately lifted. “More than okay, actually. You know that land deal we’ve had all of the company’s working capital sunk into?”

I nodded.

“That fucking spec purchase has almost bankrupted us, honestly.” He waved his hand. “Doesn’t matter now. Anyway… we found a buyer. Deal’s done.”

“You mean… it’s been sold?” My heart beat faster. Nick and Shawn had been working so hard at getting it set up. Many long nights. Many a stressful trip talking to potential investors or buyers.

“It gets better. We discovered mineral rights we didn’t even know we were sitting on. It’s big. Shawn had called in a favor with a friend of his last year to do a geological survey, and it looked potentially promising. Had to wait on a more comprehensive survey—and it’s good. Results are really, really good.”

“What… what does this mean for you guys?”

He stared at me for a heartbeat, then grinned big and wide. “Once it goes through, and contracts on mineral rights are inked, both partners should net at least…three million dollars.”

My mouth fell open. “Oh… my God, Nick. What… what does that mean… for us?”

Nick stood up. “It means a certain very happy, very strict husband is about to have a lot more time on his hands for his wife’s, uh, training.”

I looked up at him, my mouth suddenly dry. “It does?”

“Oh, yes.” He stood over me then, taking firm hold of my hair. “I think today’s as good a day as any to get started, don’t you?”

I swallowed, my nipples drawing tight, my pussy pulsing between my thighs. “Y-yes, sir.”

He bent close, his lips at my temple as he murmured the words. “Money will never be a concern for either one of us now, pretty girl. Which means you have a husband who’s now looking for his next project. Any guesses on what—or who—that project might be?”

The End
