Page 29 of Primal Claim

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“I can hear how wet you are, slut. Look at you, fingering yourself in your office because your Alpha told you to. Such a good little Omega. You were born to be like this, weren’t you? A desperate little toy for me.” His voice drove her arousal higher and she fingered herself harder, pressing the heel of her palm against her throbbing clit. She was getting so close…

“I’m going to… I want to…” Her voice was breathy and desperate as she tried to ask for what she wanted so desperately. “Adam, please… I need to come, let me come!”

His sadistic chuckle made her moan even as her orgasm loomed. “You should know better than to ask by now, girl. No.”

She whined, her fingers moving faster. “I can’t… hold back. Fuck, I’m coming!”

She bit back a high-pitched cry as her fingers thrust roughly in and out of her grasping cunt, driving her over the edge. Her hips bucked and thrust against her hand as she rode the waves of her orgasm, let out tiny whimpers of pleasure and release as she pushed herself as long as she could go.

She sagged in her chair as she finally came down, the last aftershocks prompting moans from her slack lips, and her wet fingers slipped out from between her legs, hanging limply against her thigh.

“I said no, Chastity.” His voice was disapproving, and despite the heavy post-orgasm lassitude she felt, Chastity’s stomach did a backflip. She had just disobeyed a direct order.


He tsked at her. “We’ll address this when you get home tonight, girl. Hope it was a good one, because your ass is going to be very sorry when I get a hold of it.”

He hung up without saying anything else, and Chastity let her phone drop to the floor as she basked in the endorphins for another moment. Finally, though, reality seeped in and she sprang to her feet, tugging her pants back on with a mortifying blush.

She had just masturbated. In her office chair.At work. Because someone that she barely knew had told her to. What the fuck was she doing?

She shook her head firmly, sitting in her seat and ignoring the tiny shockwaves of pleasure from the pressure on her pussy. Enough was enough. This couldn’t go on any longer. She was sure that he would be at her condo when she got off work that day, and when she saw him she was going to make it clear where she stood. He was not going to order her around and expect her to cow to his whim any more.

She focused on her screen, ignoring her phone for the rest of the day.


Chastity spent the entire ride on the subway home talking herself up. She knew that the moment she saw Adam, her stupid Omega body would want to give in to him and do anything he told her to. She couldn’t do that this time, though. She needed to stand her ground, kick him out of her life once and for all.

When she got to her condo, though she was prepared to see him waiting for her at the front door the way he had the day before, he was nowhere to be seen. When she walked into the house, it, too, was silent and dark and empty.

“Hello?” Her voice faded into the condo as she walked around, and though part of her was relieved, the other, bigger part of her felt that she had only had a stay of execution. Even if he wasn’t there right at that moment, he would be back. She knew it.

She debated calling him to find out where he was. If he wasn’t going to come to her and let her end things, then maybe finding him would be the way to go. That might even be better, because they wouldn’t be in her home, these rooms where she had such arousing, if hazy, memories of him fucking the living daylights out of her for days…

“Fuck, Chastity.” She shook her head, disgusted with herself as her body responded to the memories. Her nipples hardened under her blouse, and she marched into her bedroom, turning the shower on full blast and stripping naked. She showered quickly, steadfastly refusing to touch her nipples or pussy. She had already had an orgasm that day; she wasn’t going to give in to what sheknewAdam wanted and touch herself to thoughts of him.

Nope, that was not going to happen.

She wrapped herself in her threadbare robe when she stepped out of the shower, her dark hair hanging in tangles around her face. Everything felt especially impactful as she walked back into her bedroom, the carpet fibers tickling her feet with their roughness and the air of the apartment cool against her skin through the thin fabric covering it. Was it because she had had an orgasm? She didn’t remember being soawareof everything when she had been having orgasm after orgasm during her heat…

Then again, during her heat, she hadn’t been aware of much of anything. Except Adam’s cock and how much she needed it.

When she walked out of her bedroom, making a beeline for the fridge, she was stopped in her tracks by Adam leaning against her counter. His jeans were streaked with dirt and a nasty-looking scratch on his forearm looked fresh; he had to have just gotten off… whatever job he did. He was looking down at his phone, typing something on the screen, but the minute she walked through the doorway his nostrils flared and he looked up. His gaze coursed down her, taking in her thin robe and bare feet before returning to her face.


Even just his voice made her want to prostrate herself at his feet. Her mind was still logical and well put together, but her body yearned for his touch and it knew that if she did what he said, he would give her what she needed.

She pressed her lips together as she looked at him. She wouldn’t need it much longer. “Adam.”

He tucked his phone into his jeans pocket and pushed off from the counter. He walked toward her deliberately, crossing the small space between them in a heartbeat. Chastity tried to force herself to back away, move out of his pathway,something, but her body refused to move. His hand wrapped around her throat and he backed her up against the wall, her breath huffing out of her as her back collided with the flat surface.

“That’s not how you address me, Omega.” He squeezed one of her tits through the thin fabric of her robe, and even as she glared at him, her body thrummed at his touch.

“I’m not just an Omega, Adam. I’m also a person, and you’ve taken this way too far. You can’t keep treating me like this!” She forced her hand to lift from her side, grabbing at his wrist and trying to tug it away from her body.

He smiled at her. “But I can, Omega. Haven’t you realized that by now?” Her tugging on his arm was fruitless, and he squeezed her tit harder. “I’ve claimed you. You’re mine.”
