Page 9 of Primal Claim

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The car rumbled under Chastity as it idled, the traffic in front of them congested and slow. Even that mundane sensation—the car vibrating—seemed to be turning her on. Her nipples had never been harder, and the fabric between her legs where it pressed against her pussy was embarrassingly damp.

Or maybe that was a result of the man sitting in the driver’s seat of the car, his hand resting possessively on her thigh. She got a good look at him as he swerved his way through the cars on the road, until finally coming to a stop. His skin was pale, hair dark, eyes sage green. He was powerfully built under his clothes, she could tell, and part of her itched to touch his muscular arms, feel if they were as strong as they looked.

Stop it. Just because he’s… ridiculously good looking. And smells good. And is hard to resist…

Her thoughts trailed off as she continued looking at him, mouth dry with sudden want. He was muttering under his breath about the traffic, and every few seconds his fingers dug hard into her thigh and elicited a small gasp from her. Of pain? No, it didn’t hurt… Arousal?

Whatever it was, it was making her even wetter. Or was it the heat?

God, it’s a million degrees in this car! Why isn’t the air conditioning on…?

“Could you… turn on the AC, please?” She was surprised how wispy her voice was, faint and breathy. It reminded her of the high-pitched, soft affect Omegas often had on TV programs, and she winced. She wasn’t going to start sounding like one of those vapid, thoughtless girls, was she?

The man glanced at her sideways. “I already turned it on for you, Omega.” His hand lifted from her thigh and caressed the side of her neck with the familiar touch of a man who knew her body inside and out, despite having just plucked her off the street. “God, you’re burning up. You must be uncomfortable.” His voice was thick with arousal, as if the thought of her discomfort somehow turned him on, and Chastity struggled to find the words to tell him off. To make him let her out of the car so that she could make her way home to suffer for the next week in peace.

A part of her knew that any protests she made would be futile. He had overpowered her so easily… and had she really wanted to fight him in the first place? His scent and power had paralyzed her there on the sidewalk, made her want to listen to his words, his cool touch on her heated skin. Her protests had sounded token at best, even to her, and when he had sat her in the passenger seat of his car and asked for her address, she had given it to him without hesitation.

“Son of a bitch,” the man growled under his breath as the traffic inched forward, then glanced to the side. “Fuck this.” He turned the car sharply and Chastity found herself thrown against the side of the car, her shoulder jammed against the window as he turned down a tiny side road, barely wide enough for his car. A part of her vaguely wondered why her shoulder didn’t hurt—she had hit the window pretty hard—but when she glanced out the window she found that the side road had taken them directly to her street, a few blocks up from the subway entrance she usually took.

The road was much quieter than the other had been when they eased back out into the main traffic, and they made their way the few blocks to her condo quickly.

“How… how did you know about that? That road?” Chastity struggled to get the words out, feeling like she was thinking through a thick fog. Was she even making sense?

His fingers stroked up and down her neck again and she moaned softly, tilting her head to the side. His touch was electrifying, sparks of sensation dancing under her skin, and she wished he would touch her more.

What the hell is wrong with you? You don’t know this man! He could be crazy!

“I’ve lived in this area for years. I know these streets like the back of my hand.”

Chastity thought she hummed in response, but if pressed she wouldn’t be sure.

They eased to a stop at a red light and he glanced at her again. “What were you doing out on the street? I’ve never seen an Omega in heat walking around in public. Are you new at this?” His voice was sarcastic, poking fun, and she blushed. She opened her mouth to bite back and his fingers squeezed her neck gently at the same time. Instead of snapping at him like she intended, she whined and her eyes fluttered closed.

“Kind of… new. I’ve never been…” She gestured at her body helplessly, trying to communicate what she couldn’t force her tongue to say.

His eyes widened slightly. “This is your first heat?” His voice was surprised, a hint of excitement coloring his tone.

She nodded, whimpering softly as another bead of sweat slid down her temple.

“Fuck.” She couldn’t interpret his tone, but when she peeked over at him, he was smiling with a dark glint in his eye.

Her hand lifted to point to her condo when they got near it, then her head spun when he jerked the car around to parallel park in a tiny spot across the street. The car was off and the passenger door opened before her head righted itself, and then he was tugging her out of the car with a firm grip on her upper arm.

“Where are your keys?” His voice brooked no room for argument, and she pulled the keys out of her pants pocket with a shaky hand. He plucked them from her palm without asking, unlocking the house and letting himself in. She followed the pull on her arm, feeling like a recalcitrant child who was about to be punished for some minor offense.

The door shut, and before she could make her way to the kitchen to turn the light on, as was her habit, he had her pressed firmly against the front door, body against hers as he nosed at her neck, breathing deeply.

“Fuck, you smell good.” His voice felt like it vibrated all the way to her core, and her hands came up to clutch at his shirt without her permission.

“What’s… ah… what’s your name?” She whimpered as his lips trailed down her neck, tilting her head to the side. She could feel his hard cock against her hip, gently pulsing with his heartbeat. Suddenly, she craved it inside her more than she wanted the next breath of air. The sudden urge surprised her; she had never had a very high sex drive. Was this what it was going to be like, being an Omega?

He chuckled, drawing back to look at her. His eyes were bright even in the dim light of her entryway, and his hands came up to grasp her tits, palming them roughly. “You first, Omega.” His voice was casually cruel as he squeezed her tits hard. Again, Chastity expected the bite of pain and was puzzled when it didn’t come.

“Chastity,” she said, forcing herself to meet his gaze. The rational part of her brain was screaming at her to stand up for herself, to not let him handle her like a piece of meat, but that voice was quiet compared to the raging need that was building inside her. Her pussy felt hot and swollen between her legs, and if she had been alone she would have been halfway to orgasm already.

He stared at her for another moment, his eyebrow raised as if he expected her to say “Gotcha!” Then he chuckled. “Well, you won’t be verychasteafter I’m finished with you, girl.”
