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“Who the hell knows!” Karen said, almost hissing the words. “But we aren’t sticking around to figure it out.”

Then the doors closed behind them, and they were outside in the warm sunshine.

What the fuck are you gonna do now?



When he first set eyes on her, he’d been inclined to simply discount her as just another agent at the FMB.

A mere worker bee—if averyattractive one.

But as he sat in the gallery watching the other alphas discuss the various alluring attributes of the little slip of a thing bathed in the floodlights up there on that stage, he’d begun to wonder.

He glanced over at the agent again and again.

Then she’d met his gaze, and when she had, it happened.

It was the Drawing.

He’d never actually felt it himself, and indeed, he was beginning to think he would never get to experience such a thing.

But it was well known among the wolves.

The Drawing was the body’s confirmation that it had found its perfect counterpart.

Its compliment, its missing half… had finally been discovered.

Of course, that couldn’t be what wastrulyhappening, he knew that.

But the effect was profound, and undeniable nonetheless.

It had to be a mistake. Something else would certainly explain it.

Still, as he gazed upon her, loving the way she quickly looked away when she’d realized he was looking at her, he kept coming back to it.

What if itwasthe Drawing?

What if what had become almost a mythical concept to him… was really happening?

Of course, in his mind, they played over and over. All of the what ifs, the things that shouldn’t be—and yet were.

And the deep desires, the dark needs.

Ohhow he wanted them.

If this was the Drawing, the unmistakable signal that he’d found what he was looking for… there was no way he was going to not take it.

If this curvy little agent was someone meant for him, then neither heaven nor hell would stop him from claiming her.

Whether she wanted him to or not.

Now as he sat there with Knox, listening to Ryan and the other guards glad-hand and steadily corral the irritating male agent away from them, Dmitri pondered what to do next.

The answer was quite simple, really—at least in concept. But it would be more than a little difficult in execution.

He was going to obtain that agent.
