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There were plenty of packs who eschewed nearly all human technology, but this was a risible notion in his eyes. The humanswereuseful, and not just as ready suppliers of “rabbits”—or the occasional delectable omega.

They just needed to be regarded from arealisticperspective, and expectations of their level of wisdom, foresight, or frankly, reliability, kept at rather a minimum. They were after all born with rather modest capabilities, and still they’d come so far. He rather admired their tenacity, in fact, even as he lamented the problems humans inevitably brought with them.

“Get her up a bit higher,” Dmitri said, smoothing a palm over the huge erection tenting the denim of the crotch of his jeans.

“You… you’re going to tear me in half!” Stacy’s strained voice said, her mouth freed but her blindfold still left firmly in place. He wasn’t readyquiteyet to return all of her senses back to her. He wanted—needed—to get her used to the idea of coming to him for all things. And part of that meant making it clear to his fractious captive that he controlled everything about her—including even her powers of speech and sight.

“Nonsense, omega,” Knox boomed, his shoulder resting against the hulking form of a snow remover, retired for the summer. Knox kicked at the back of the heavy plow as he nodded at the former FMB agent-cum-omega suspended just above the floor. “We’ve had plenty of other lasses strung up here just the same. They did just fine, and so will you.”

“Fuckyou!” she snarled.

Mattias, manning the hand crank, turned the windlass a few more times, even as he chuckled at her angry response.

She groaned as the ropes pulling her arms and legs in opposite directions just began to strain where they attached to her thick wrist and ankle cuffs. Her bare feet were about eighteen inches above the raised wooden platform made of sturdy and well-worn oak planks, her arms extended straight up toward the heavens. Though he’d taken her shoes away from her immediately upon her arrival (also a subtle way to put her in her place), he’d kept her clothes on her.

Depriving her of those too was an important part of the upcoming ritual.

Directly below her was originally a livestock auction platform that he’d had shipped in several years before, finding it lent something extra to such proceedings as the one they were about to embark upon. There was just something about it that made the initial examinations and inspections of humans (already a lust-drenched, lurid experience) just a little bit hotter. Perhaps it was the not-so-subtle equating of a human to mere livestock that imbued it with that additional heat, or maybe it was the everyday feel of it (hey, sure, this is a human here—but we do this all the time!), but whatever it was, it justworked.

Her gorgeous red hair shook wildly as her head waved back and forth, the woman instinctively trying to find any sliver of light under the imposed darkness of the blindfold. But she was going to be deprived of that particular privilege until he was good and ready. What he hadn’t expected though was the surge of genuine possessiveness, and even more surprisingly, protectiveness as he watched Knox, Matthias, and Ryan get their fill of her. Even still dressed in her FMB suit, the dramatic curves of her figure were evident, now set off in even more alluring fashion by the pleasing stretching and display of her body. Though he longed to see her eyes and her trembling lips, he’d made a last second decision to have her retain her gag and the blindfold.

It wasn’t at all like him.

Normally, he was well known for being rather open when it came to his various women over the years. It wasn’t that he enjoyed sharing his womenper se, but he was not at all averse to having them walk about inside the lodge in various states ofdéshabillé, often having them serve him and his packmates while naked or in some other lurid form of dress. When it came to his females and his pack’s interactions with them, his rule had always been “Look all you want, but don’t touch” and eventhatwas sometimes… bent a bit. It wasn’t unknown for him to intentionally overlook a squeezed female ass here, a groped tit there. As long as his men weren’t too blatant about it, he was generally inclined to let it go without comment.

With Stacy, it had beenmuchdifferent though.

And that’s a problem, Dmitri. You know this.

The inspection was designed from the outset to do two things—to help the omega understand her place, as subject to her alpha, and perhaps just as importantly, demonstrate that she was owned, protected, and jealously guarded by her alpha. It had been this way from time immemorial, and while he was not slavishly devoted to tradition, in Stacy’s case he very much appreciated its “virtues.”

Knox and Ryan stood well away from the platform, Knox’s arms folded across his chest, his eyes brilliant and blazing as he looked on, his bald head almost gleaming under the powerful lighting focused mainly on Stacy. Ryan, dark hair slicked back, his blue and black flannel flecked here and there with dirt from the time he’d spent earlier that day underneath one of their 4x4s changing out a cracked oil pan, leaned his shoulder against the fender of that same truck.

As Dmitri drew close to her, the vibration within him became a visceral roar, the sound of his blood in his ears, his cock almost instantly at near painful attention. Laying a hand on her side, stroking her ever so slightly, he kept his voice low. “Need to remove these clothes to get a better look at you. I have to cut them off, but I promise I won’t hurt you.”

She made a tight, gag-garbled sound, shaking her head, but it was half-hearted, the way her pelvis angled toward him as he took his hand away telling the real tale, the strong scent of her sex already detectable on the air further confirmation of what he’d already suspected.

Her physical response to him was something she could no longer fully control, despite her outward—and quite pleasing—defiance.

Unlike some alphas, who believed abject submission from an omega should be ruthlessly enforced at all times, he wasn’t quite as strict in that regard. He appreciated her fire, her intelligence, and even her grit in the face of adversity. Those traits would serve her well,ifshe had the courage to accept the stark truth about what she was becoming.

Some omegas never did… and their lives could sometimes be quite difficult as a result. He hoped, fervently, that Stacy wouldn’t be one of those unfortunates.

Producing the safety shears, he knew they would make quick work of cutting her out of her suitcoat, blouse, and finally her slacks. But something stopped him from using them.

Her bare feet fidgeted, the toes curling and relaxing over and over, as he thought it over. Other than her rapid breathing, she seemed surprisingly calm, almost… docile. He paused to take her pulse and was pleased to see the way that rather than flinching away from his touch, she actually pressed her throat against the tips of his fingers as he found her strong heartbeat.

“You’re okay,” he intoned, both for her benefit and his. “It’s all right now.” Though her heart was galloping along at a considerable pace, she wasn’t in any danger, and considering the circumstances, he was greatly relieved to see she hadn’t allowed panic to overtake her.

“She’s strong,” Knox said, a note of either surprise or admiration in his deep voice.

“Training,” Mattias drawled from over at the windlass. For the rest of them, they had to reach up to the handle, but with the man’s great height, he was actually able to rest an elbow casually on top of the windlass’ gearbox. “They’re tougher than you think. FMB agents make the Quantico boys and girls look like fucking pussies.”

“That’s not exactly a high bar to hurdle,” Ryan muttered, his words betraying a hint of mirth even as his gaze remained fixed intently upon the suspended form of the subject at hand.

But Dmitri barely heard them, his focus entirely on the lovely form of the omega, the woman formerly known as Agent Stacy Masterson of the Fugitive Management Bureau.

For a moment, he considered slicing her clothing away with a blade but thought another method might work better. Extending the claws of his right hand, he winced, the pain searing and deep. Italwayshurt to do such a thing in human form.
