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The scent of her cunt was all around him, and with a glance he noted that the men had moved a step closer, as if they too were drawn to the irresistible charms of an omega, just coming into full bloom. Her mouth-watering essence filled his nostrils, his cock like an iron bar, heavy and aching in his pants, and still he resisted it. He ached to touch her everywhere, anywhere, and in moments he would.

But he savored that moment, the initial sight of Stacy exposed, surrendered, laid bare for all to see—an omega, the most beautiful creature on earth. And young Stacy Masters was already, to his eyes, the most stunning omega of them all.

There would be time enough for that. But there was more that had to be done.

He eased his palms up the outsides of her thighs and she grunted, shifting in her bonds as much as they allowed her. He teased the tip of one of her breasts, making soft incoherent noises of soothing, as one might do with a frightened animal. In many ways she was little different than that, as captive and helpless and surrendered to him as any livestock would be to a farmer inspecting his flock in the bright morning sun.

She wasmuchmore than mere livestock though—even if one of her primary duties would indeed be breeding—and he intended to make sure she understood that. No matter what it took.

“My Lord… she’s incredible,” Knox muttered. “I’ve never seen one that looked… quite like this.”

“You mean asgoodas this,” Dmitri whispered, giving his lieutenant a conspiratorial wink.

For a moment Dmitri glanced at his second-in-command and best friend, trying to ascertain what he thought he heard in the man’s voice, a note so fleeting, so subtle, he might have been imagining it. But he hadn’t been; it was real enough. He’d have to come back to that though. There’d be time aplenty to interrogate the true meaning behind the way Knox had spoken those words.

It was more than just admiration for the beauty of the female form. There was something else there too.

“Give her one more turn of the crank, Matthias.” Dmitri stood back, hands on his hips, listening for the clank and the sound of the ropes stretching ever so slightly more.

Stacy breathed a tiny hiss, her chest heaving as the windlass pulled her still tighter.

Dmitri placed a palm across her belly, stroking her there, the skin drum tight under her body’s tension. “It’s okay. It’s okay, sweet girl. Just that little more, that’s all. We need to get a good look at you now. See what there is for us to work with.”


“No, no, I mean it. Just be still now. This isn’t going to hurt, but I know this stretches quite a bit. You’ll be okay. Your body can take this.” He stepped closer running the back of his hand along the generous weight of the side of her breast, loving the softness of her skin there. “Oh, if you could only see with my eyes right now. Never before have I encountered an omega as stunning as you.”

Never before have I seen a female so obviously made for me.

She shuddered at that, but shockingly, she seemed to press her breasts against his fingers. The heat was overtaking her now, and while he suspected she was fighting it desperately, it was a battle that was always going to be a losing one. For once the heat took hold fully, she would become merely a passenger going along for the ride. An omega manifesting for the first time—and especially one of her age—was always going to be a traumatic affair. But it was going to be adramaticone too. For someone of her strength, fire, intelligence, and spirit, it was always going to be a pitched battle. But no matter what she did, regardless of how hard she fought, it would end in one way.

With Dmitri, her alpha, waiting to claim her.

She looked toward him then, and though he knew it was likely a bad idea, he couldn’t help himself, pulling free the gag to hang loose and wet at the base of her throat. She worked her jaw, licking her lips, as he slipped off her blindfold as well.

Her gorgeous lashes fluttered, then she closed her eyes tight for a moment. All the men seemed to hold their breath along with him, as if every one of them waited anxiously for what she might say.

She glanced about the room, setting eyes on each man, craning her head around to see Matthias too.

Good girl. Assessing surroundings, gauging threats, looking for exits. Just like the field manual says.

Finally, her bright-eyed gaze settled upon him, the liquid fire he saw there making his cock ache even more. He couldn’t help but imagine those same green orbs peering up at him while his cock was lovingly clasped by those rose lips, her every desire his approval and affection, even as he ruthlessly plundered her mouth and throat.

Down, boy.

“What are you waiting for?”

They weren’t at all the words he’d expected to hear tumble from her lips.

“What do you mean, agent?” He liked calling her that, if for no other reason than to emphasize that it held no more meaning for her save a symbolic reminder of a past that was now utterly irrelevant to her and her present situation.

Color flushed high in her cheeks, her lower lip evincing the slightest quiver. “Aren’t you going to… you know,fuckme? Isn’t that what all of you do to omegas?”

Ryan chuckled, shaking his head slowly. “I swear, humans seem to think we eat omegas or something. Guess we need to work on better PR if they still believe that stupid shit.”

For an instant Dmitri wondered if he detected something other than biting, bitter sarcasm in her tone, as if she were laying on her defiance even thicker in a desperate bid to mask feelings that were a good deal more… complicated.

You aren’t fooling me, girl.
