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But even that was a losing battle, for that knowledge too seemed to transform in an instant, her lustful self wondering idly if he liked what he saw, if her flesh was pleasing to his touch, soft enough, lovely enough. If it made his cock hard to hear her moans, interspersed with the hot, sharp slaps of his hard hand spanking her relentlessly.

No! You can’t let him get to you. It’s over for you if you do…

But what was the point in her continuing to struggle when, in her heart, she knew his words were deadly accurate. Accepting that truth was a bitter pill to swallow indeed, even more difficult to take than the pain clawing deeper and deeper into her buttocks with each punishing blow of his palm upon her seething, aching bottom.

“Please… I… I’ll stop. I just… please…”

A hum of approval was all he gave her. In that instant, the firm bulge of his erection pressed against her hip. She drew a sharp breath, but didn’t even attempt to pull away. She’d known it was of course possible that he’d grow aroused at spanking her, but the realization of it was almost too much. What did that mean?

And what did it say about her nature that his arousal only causedhersto spike ever higher?

“Stop resisting, omega.” His hot breath wafted against the crown of her hair as he bent over her, his fingers digging cruelly into her well-spanked buttocks. “Give in. Let it happen. Accept it—all of it. For once in your life, just let it in.”

“I can’t…can’t!” But his words were even deadlier than the remorseless discipline in wearing down her willpower.

He was right, much as she might hate it. Itwasthe truth. In order to have any sort of chance of figuring out what she was going to do next, she had to stop denying what was staring her right in the face.


His words were a whisper now, his hand kneading her helpless flesh. “Stop this. You don’t have to be afraid anymore.Let go.”

With a shuddering sigh that shook her down to the most basic elements of her being, she laid down upon the mattress, melting into it, her breathing, the rush in her ears, the burning of her bottom, every sensation focused on one thing. Her entire world. Reduced to…


Her pussy flooded anew, her inner thighs slick with it, her clit almost humming with her desire. She ground her aching hard nipples against the bedspread, her wrists twisting futilely against the immovable bonds, fresh pain blooming there too.

“That’s my girl,” he murmured somewhere behind her, where the truth and her fear were locked in a desperate, pitched battle. A struggle she was destined to lose.

And for the very first time… that was okay.

* * *


The languid yielding of her gorgeous body, that unspoken acknowledgment that her will to resist the Draw was gone, was the last thing he needed, a confirmation that they remained on the right path in their journey.

But he was a man of his word. He would not take her, not ever, until she begged him to.

So close.

First though, he needed to be sure, to cement that growing connection, to forge those bonds ever stronger in pain and lust and surrender.

For the both of them.

He gritted his teeth at the fiery hurt of extending his claws, the pain somehow causing his cock to swell even further.Hadhe ever had an erection that iron hard before?

Pressing her head back down to the mattress, he ran his big hand down the nape of her neck, tangling his fingers in her tresses for a moment. As he drew his razor-sharp claws gently across her scalp, she gasped softly.

“Shh, they won’t hurt you. I’llneverhurt you.”

“All evidence”—she drew a shaky breath—“to the contrary.”

It was the truth though, and they both knew it, despite the pain of her spanking that she was no doubt contending with. Discipline, training, and keeping her safe were all one thing, but true hurt was an entirely different prospect.

And there was no limit to what he was prepared to do to protect her from such a thing. No man and no creature—of their world, or the next—would be allowed to harm even a single hair on Stacy’s head.
