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That’s if she’s your mate, Dmitri. You’re an idiot to get your hopes up.

And though it was a bitter pill, that was also a possibility too. True mates were so rare that many wolves considered them to be essentially a myth, or something that an alpha in the midst of his hormonal sexual bonding conjured up, like a love-struck fool, delusional with lust and obsession, rhapsodizing on the otherworldly origins of his idealized paramour.

Get out of your own head, asshole. You’ve got a job to do here.

There would be time enough later to ponder the deeper meanings, the possibly profound implications of what it meant to have discovered the lovely and infuriating Stacy Masterson.

Shaking his head a bit to clear his thoughts, he pinned her tightly down across his thighs, clasping the soft undercurve of her left buttock. “Time to finish your reminder of what happens to silly females who can’t obey the rules.”

As he gave her bottom a tremendous smack, she reared up, grunting, her hands pulling once more at her bonds. “Ahh!”

“Felt that one, did you?”


“You’ll pay for that, I think.”

He laid down several rapid-fire bursts of smacks, raining them down evenly across every millimeter of her beautiful round buttocks. She was panting and whining when he finished them, fiery, angry red marks and welts left by his fingers upon her skin. Not quite content with the color of her ass, he gave her a second dose of a dozen, even harder spanks, each blow sending her soft, lush bottom cheeks bouncing and jiggling wildly, the aftermath of his discipline showing those marks merged into a single maelstrom of crimson.

She was sniffling by the time he’d finished with the second volley, and he gripped her seething ass in his broad palm, circling it languidly as he growled in delight. Her body was as tight as a bowstring over his thighs. The pain must have been serious indeed, but his brave Stacy had uttered hardly a peep during her punishment, a testament to her fortitude—and likely her FMB training too.

The Bureau didn’t tolerate softness in its field agents, and Stacy seemed an excellent example of that maxim.

“One thing you’re going to learn, and quickly, is that when you break the rules around here, therewillbe consequences. Here, there isn’t going to be any clever talking your way out of your punishment, if you’ve earned one.” He gave her ass a harsh squeeze, and she groaned softly. “And I assure you, agent, you richly earned yourself one today. Where did you think you were going to go? You had no idea where you were…”

“I’d figure it out.” Her voice caught for a second. “Not the first time I’ve been… lost.”

“Well, it’s not just the rules you were foolishly ignoring.” He yanked her up by her hair, slipping his arm under her and turning her so that she sat on his lap, her bound legs draped over his left thigh, her arms still locked at the small of her back. “You’renotlost. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Probably for the first time in your life.”

Her chin firmed as she turned her head to look at him. Her eyes burned with a fiery brightness, even as the tears had left wet, glistening tracks down her cheeks. “How do you know that?”

He was struck anew at the crystalline beauty of those eyes, the deep blue so brilliant it was almost other-worldly. “You don’t feel it anymore? The Draw?”

She looked away then. It told him all he needed to know.

Reaching down, he slipped her ankles from their bonds, the heavy cuffs thunking to the floorboards. Her head whipped around, her wide-eyed gaze locking with his. “What…?”

“Shh, be still. I can’t take this anymore.” The aching of his cock threatened to drive him mad, the lush, soft form of his omega goading him further every second she remained in contact with him. Perhaps itwastoo soon, but he didn’t care anymore.

He was going to have her.

Right fucking now.

Lifting her up, his hands under her arms, he spun her so she faced him, her heavy breasts swaying. “Kneel up,” he murmured, working frantically at his fly, his gaze locked upon the dark, dense delta of pubic hair framed by her soft, trembling thighs.

She rested her knees upon the mattress at either side of his lap, the tendons at her inner thighs standing out taut. Her scent had him almost panting then, if anything, his cock swelling even further.

Freeing his cock at last, the big, veined shaft lolled to the side, gently bouncing against her leg, the feel of her smooth, heated skin along his length making him grit his teeth. She made a tiny noise in her throat, looking down at his erection, but made not a single move to get away, nor protest.

The Draw had them both in its selfish clutches then, and it was much too late to do anything about it, except to surrender to its power, to give in finally to the inevitable.

He couldn’t wait.

Gripping her by one of her upper arms, he reached behind her, and slipped the manacles at her wrists too. It was a risk, but one he was willing to take. He needed to know what she might still do, even as he was determined that he was going to plunge deep inside her no matter how she reacted in the next few seconds.

But rather than slap him or push herself frantically away, her arms wrapped about him, clutching him with a strength beyond her size, her breath at his throat, the soft, silky hair at the crown of her head caressing the underside of his chin.

The tone of her whispered words spoke of deep confusion and irresistible, animal drives all at once. “What’s… happening to me? Need you. Need…this.”
