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She cried out in fright, wonder, and an unaccountable exhilaration, the sight of it so unspeakably beautiful, she knew she could never hope to describe it.

Then, just as soon as it had begun, a great gust galloped through the clearing, swirling around the bonfire and the remnants of Caleb’s pyre, and in moments, both were snuffed out, with a soft sound like the forest gasping in relief. The clearing was lit once more only by the reliable, beautiful moon.

Stacy wiped fresh tears away. What had just happened,couldn’thave happened. She knew that. And yet… it wasreal. All of it, was real. And for the first time… she felt a part of it.



Startled from her fugue, she nearly fell from her perch atop the rock. Dmitri stood before her, naked in all his glory, his cock and balls hanging heavily between his impossibly muscled thighs, the moonlight catching at the ends of his thick, wiry pubic hair.

His eyes glowed like a stellar starfield, color she’d never seen in them before. There was a thick pelt of fur at his neck, and across his shoulders in a thick gray line. His fingers had sprouted claws, his canines clearly visible, his voice a feral growl. “You must leave us, sweet girl. On this part of Caleb’s journey, you cannot follow.”

“But… why? Where are you going?” She wanted to reach out for him, but somehow knew she shouldn’t. Instead, she twisted her hands deeper into her furs.

His claws caressed a line along her jaw, and though his smile revealed the size and terrifying extent of his canines, he was still beautiful to her. “To the hunt, omega.Youmust go. Our men will take you back.”


But he was already turning away, his eyes flashing a warning. “Do as I say, Stasia. You are safe with them.”

She really did scream then, her hand clapping to her mouth as she witnessed his transformation.

It was like nothing she’d imagined. He was man one second, then beast in another, his deep, primal roar into the sky the last thing she heard as his huge gray and black furred form galloped into the tree line, disappearing into the inkiness of the night.

Dmitri! Come back to me soon…



As the truck bounced along the dirt track, the twin beams of the headlights seeming to be swallowed up by the endless forest around them, she was at least thankful she’d been allowed to dress. Still, she hugged the thick furs around her as she huddled against the passenger seat of the battered old Ford F-150.

Vince, the affable, gangly team lead of the pack’s human crew was driving, his long-fingered hand draped over the top of the wheel, the lines of his face painted with the faint cyan emitted by the truck’s dashboard lights.

“Not far from the lodge now,” he said softly, his eyes darting toward her, then back to the road. Behind them, a few hundred feet back, was the other truck, with Nelson and Dale inside.

She couldn’t be moved to respond though, her mind still back at the pyre, the incredible scene playing repeatedly in her mind.

Why did you leave me?

It shouldn’t have mattered, of course, but it did. Shewantedto go with them, to experience the hunt, to see through their eyes, and know their secret world.

It’s your world now too.

Hadn’t Dmitri told her that? But if that were true, why not bring her with him?

There was more to it than that though, and even as she resisted it, there was no denying it any longer.

He’d gotten to her. Yes, the Draw—as he’d referred to it—was most definitely still there, but when he’d dashed away into the dark of the forest, it wasn’t only his body and his cock that she missed.

In fact, she hadn’t thought about that at all. No, it had been her heart aching for him, as if to be anywhere but at his side felt profoundlywrong.

Though it wasn’t something she had a hope of understanding, at least not at that moment, at Dmitri’s side was where she belonged.

And it wasn’t just a chemical, hormonal compulsion driving it either. Not by a long shot.

Are you sure that’s not Stockholm syndrome knocking on your door?
