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Dmitri crashed into the dirt, skidding along on his back, his vision doubling, head spinning for a moment.

Dmitri! Get up! Fight!

Somehow, the voice of his omega in his mind… it awakened something in him. Such a strike from a creature of Straker’s terrifying power should have torn Dmitri’s head clean from his body. But it hadn’t.

It had barely stunned him.

He immediately flipped backward and landed on his feet, sword at the ready. Straker, hulking and silent, seemed puzzled for a moment, and Dmitri used the hesitation to draw the spear from Greely’s belly, the vampire shrieking again as the broad tip pulled free with a wet, ripping sound. Even with his legs chopped off, Greely was still in no danger of dying, but he was—for the moment at least—out of the fight.

Straker was upon him then with frightful quickness, but rather than resist, Dmitri spun to the side with a speed that surprised even him. But Straker was faster, his huge hand closing around Dmitri’s throat with instant, bone-crunching force.

Oh fuck.

Then there was an ear-splitting snarl and Straker stumbled to the side, letting go of Dmitri entirely.


His best friend had pounced on the vampire’s upper back, opening his fearsome tooth-filled jaws wide, biting down upon the top of the monster’s skull, the wolf canines sinking into the eye sockets of Straker. This time the giant did react, roaring in pained rage, his cries like those of a wounded boar—animal, hideous, inhuman. His arms waved wildly as he attempted to tear the wolf off of him, Knox shaking himself side to side viciously, sinking his fangs in even deeper.

In the blink of an eye, Dmitri drove upward with the spear, impaling Straker precisely at the middle of his chest. The hulking vampire froze for a moment, then staggered again with a deep groan.

With a tremendous power he had no idea he possessed, Dmitri skewered the vampire upon the spear, running him completely through, the deadly tip eviscerating the fiend’s heart.

With one last gurgling grunt, Straker dropped to his knees, then toppled over onto his side with a thud that shook the ground around them.

The monstrous vampire laid dead.

Greely reached for Stacy’s leg, but she scrambled away out of his range, pushing herself along in the dirt on her back. “Motherfucker!” she screamed. “Don’ttouchme!”

Ryan limped out of the brambles, his left hind leg dragging in the dirt slightly.

“Go check Matthias. He’s hurt,” Dmitri told him, yanking the spear from Straker’s corpse.

The wolf hesitated, surveying the carnage, then trotted off into the gloom, toward the sound of the groaning wolf somewhere in the darkness.

Knox shifted into his human form, crouching on the ground, just out of range of the vampire, situating himself between Greely and Stacy.

Drawing the blood-soaked spear from Straker, Dmitri advanced on the legless vampire. Without a single word, he drove the spear deep into Greely’s belly once more, the vampire shrieking with the pain.

But in seconds, the monster wasgrinning, garish blood-soaking his fang-studded smile. “It’s not going to matter, you miserable little dog.”

“Why are you here!”

He twisted the spear, and Greely groaned, smacking the ground in pain.

“Tell me!Whydid you kill that lad? Why did you take my omega? Speak, or I make this worse.”

“When the Circle learns of what you’ve done tonight, they’ll come for you. And they’ll never stop.” Greely coughed up blood, crimson flecking his lips. He spit a disgusting wad of it upon the grass. “You know what they’ll do to you when they find you.”

“I lookforwardto it. I hope they’re just that stupid to come straight to me. Makes my job easier, vermin.”

Greely laughed maniacally, his eyes blazing a bitter, dying ember red. “Fool. You’ll never know they’re coming until it’s much too late. Theyknowwhat to do with mongrels. They’ll know what to do with you too, unless…”

“Unless, what!” Dmitri took hold of the vampire’s hair, shaking his head. “Speak!”

“You can let me go, and I’ll kill you quickly. Painlessly.”

Dmitri sneered, his canines extending again. “Onelasttime. Why did you try to take her? I won’t be asking again.”
