Page 20 of Stallion

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Quickly dressing and grabbing her phone, she collected the tray Bethany had brought up, and headed downstairs to the kitchen. After washing out the mug, she opened the refrigerator and lifted out the bottle of vodka her father kept there. As she took a swig, she recalled the drinks she’d had at The Barnyard. Though she’d been angry when Noah had scolded her, he’d become her Knight in Shining Armor. The memory made her smile.

“What the hell are you doing down here? It’s past midnight?”

Spinning around and almost dropping the bottle, Ellie stared in shock. Wearing an ugly brown velour jogging suit, Bethany was glowering across at her.

“Why do you care?” Ellie retorted, closing the refrigerator.

“I, uh, I don’t. I’m just surprised to see you, that’s all,” the woman stammered. “I—uh—I thought you were in bed.”

“I was, but I have an idea for a painting and I couldn’t sleep so I’m making a start.”

“You couldn’t sleep?”

“Why is that so surprising?”

“It’s not.”

“I’ll see you later,” Ellie said, not wanting to look at the woman in the unattractive garb one moment longer.

Returning the vodka to the refrigerator, she moved quickly across the kitchen, stepped outside, and hurried across to the motor court. The night was chilly, but she barely noticed.

The Bitch From Hell was always cool, calm and collected.

Why had she been so rattled?


Selecting a large canvas and placing it on her easel, Ellie began sketching the outline, and quickly lost herself in the image coming to life in her mind’s eye. Time ceased to exist…until a wave of weariness washed over her. Flopping on the bed and not bothering to undress, she stretched out and dozed off.

It was the familiar distant sound of a powerful car that woke her.

Bethany’s Ferrari.

Light shone through the window, and looking at the clock she discovered it was just past nine o’clock. She smiled. With any luck she might have breakfast with her father.

Hastily washing her face and running a brush through her hair, she hurried out to her car and drove the short distance to the house. Walking into the kitchen, to her great delight, she found him sitting in the breakfast nook. But as he looked up and waved her over, she thought he looked weary. Then she recalled the trashy lingerie Bethany had been wearing the night before.

“Hey, pops,” she said brightly, hurrying over and hugging him. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, but I think I slept too much.”

“Excuse me?”

“Honestly, Ellie, I’ve been sleeping like crazy for the last couple of weeks. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

As Ellie recalled Bethany’s provocative outfit, his comment didn’t make sense, but shaking it off, she slid into the seat opposite him.

“Dad, what are you eating?” she asked, noticing the sugary cereal in front of him.

“Bethany thought the sugar might give me a boost.”

“It will, but then you’ll crash,” Ellie declared, picking up the bowl and carrying it across to the sink. “I’m not a great cook, but I can whip you up some scrambled eggs and tomatoes.”

“You’re just like your mother, so bossy,” he remarked with a chuckle.

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Stay put, this will only take a few minutes.” But as she busied herself whipping up the eggs and pouring them into a hot pan, she began to worry. Though her father had always been a hard worker, he glowed with vitality. Something was wrong. “Dad, I think we should make some changes,” she said firmly, placing the freshly cooked breakfast in front of him. “For starters, no more of that crap cereal, and you’re eating too many of those cakes and cookies from Matilda’s.”

“I like those cakes and cookies, and I love you for worrying, but I’m fine.”
