Page 62 of Stallion

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Exploding lights fired through her head, sparkling spasms shuddered through her body, and as she heard his groans mingle with her cries, their bodies seemed fused together…

As she floated on a cloud of cotton with her body tingling, she felt him move away, but he was gone barely a second. As his arms came around her, she melted against him, and wrapped in serene happiness, she let herself drift away.

* * *

“Hey, baby…”

Noah’s soft, deep voice stirred Ellie from the soft doze.

“Hey, Stallion,” she murmured, blinking open her eyes and shooting him a sassy grin.

“Aren’t you a funny girl?”

“I don’t know about that, but I am a happy girl, and I’m right! You are a stallion.”

“Enough,” he said, sitting up and pulling her with him. “You promised to cook me some pasta, and I’m starvin’.”

“I’m not sure I can get out of this bed. I worked so hard in that barn, then you ravaged me.”

“Are you complainin’?”

“No,” she said hastily, “not for a second. I’ll take a quick shower. That will wake me up.”

“I’ll join you.”

“Not a chance, we’ll never leave the bathroom.”

“Uh, you might be right about that,” he said with a chuckle. “I’ll start the sauce.”

“You make sauce?”

“Yeah, I’m real good at openin’ a jar.”

“Very funny. How are you at opening a wine bottle? I could use a glass.”

“I’ll see what I have.”

“Noah, I can still hear the rain.”

“Yep, it’s not lettin’ up,” he remarked. “I’ll go out and get the fire goin’ in the livin’ room.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she replied, then lightly kissing him, she slipped from the bed and padded into the bathroom.

As if on cue, Sherlock trotted into the bedroom and barked.

“I know, it’s supper time.”

The dog barked again.

“If you’re tellin’ me I need to come clean,” Noah whispered, “I already know. I’ll do it over dinner.”


It had been almost a year since Tom had seen Jeanette. But it didn’t matter how much time passed, he was always slightly rattled at the prospect of watching her walk through the door. In his heart Jeanette was, and always would be, the one.

Marone’s Italian restaurant had been their favorite haunt. It was cozy and intimate, and the food was always delicious. When the spirit moved him, he’d go by himself, sit in a corner and indulge in a sentimental trip down memory lane. He blamed himself for the breakup of the marriage, but he couldn’t turn back the clock. All he could do was try to make up for his failings in the past by being there for her when she needed him…even though she didn’t seem to need him very much.

Now the roles were reversed.
