Page 69 of Stallion

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But her eyes were red and sore.

There were three mirrored medicine cabinets in a row. In search of eye drops, she opened the first. Finding none, she opened the second and third, but they were empty. As she headed back to the bedroom, she idly wondered why the bathroom had three medicine cabinets.

Michael’s instruction suddenly popped into her head.

You have to search for a hidden cabinet. Inside you’ll find a briefcase.

“The cabinet could be hidden in plain sight,” she whispered, a shiver rippling down her spine.

Hurrying back to them, she bypassed the one with Eleanor’s belongings and opened the one next to it. Sliding out the glass shelves, she studied the back and the sides. Nothing seemed out of place.

Moving to the third and lifting out the top shelf, she spied what looked like a tiny brass bead in the top corner. Holding her breath, she touched it with her finger, then pushed. There was a click, and the back of the cabinet slid sideways revealing a large secret space—and an aluminum briefcase.

Her heart racing, she began lifting it out, but it was heavy and it wasn’t easy. Placing it on the counter and seeing the combination locks, she frowned, then set them all to zero. As the locks popped open, she couldn’t believe it, then laughed out loud. But when she lifted the lid, her heart stopped.

Stacks of used bills with $10,000 labels wrapped around them stared up at her.

She could disappear.

Leave Michael behind her and go straight to her mother.

But her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of a vehicle rolling to a stop outside the cabin.

Her heart racing, she hastily closed the lid, put it back into the cabinet, and hurried out to the living room.


“Are you absolutely sure the lights were off when you left?” Noah pressed, staring at Ellie’s frightened face as he rolled to a stop.

“Yes, yes, I’m sure.”

“But I don’t see any cars.”

“Noah, I left during the day. The cabin has skylights and a huge picture window. I don’t need any lights.”

“Stay here.”

“Wait! You said that was Matt’s truck in the motor court. Maybe we should call him for back up.”

“Back up?” Noah repeated with a grin. “You’ve been watchin’ too much television.”

“Oh, my gosh! Noah,” she exclaimed, looking past him towards the cabin. “it’s Bethany!” Darting his eyes around, he saw a pretty young woman with disheveled blond hair standing on the porch staring at them. “Holy crap,” Ellie continued, hastily unbuckling her seat belt. “What’s she doing in my cabin?”

“Hold on! We’ll find out, but calmly.”

“Calm? You expect me to stay calm after everything that bitch has put me through?”

“If you can’t control yourself stay in the truck,” he said sternly. “I mean it, Ellie. That girl showed herself, and now she’s standin’ there freezin’ to death waitin’. I have a feelin’ she’s in trouble. Let me ask the questions.”

“Okay, okay. But this had better be good.”

Quickly climbing from the truck, Noah strode around to help Ellie out, and as they started towards the door, Bethany moved back inside. Following her in, Noah shut it behind them, and was about to ask Bethany why she was there when he saw Ellie’s paintings.

“Wow, Ellie, these are incredible,” he declared. “You’re so talented.”

“Thanks, but would you please talk to her,” she said angrily, glaring at Bethany. “I’m going start the fire. It’s cold in here.”

“Please let me explain,” Bethany blurted out before Noah had a chance to speak. “I am so, so sorry for all the awful things I’ve said and done. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me, but I can’t go on—not for another minute. I want to tell you everything…all of it.”
