Page 58 of House of Clouds

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“A friendship bracelet, I think?” she asked him.

Ethan grinned at her. “The violin definitely belonged to a girl, then.”

Kate raised her brows, her eyes full of mischief. “Really? Maybe a girl gave it to a boy, and he carried it around in his violin.”

He waggled his brows. “A love token,” he said.

She laughed and he reached over and plucked it from her hand. “The colors are nice, though.” He looked at her. “You should wear it. It goes well with your eyes.” He fingered the bracelet, studying it and then her.

She blushed as he handed it back to her, feeling his eyes on her. “Maybe,” she said. “It is nice.”

“What’s nice?” asked Tom coming down the stairs, a file in his hand.

She held up the bracelet. “I found this in the violin case. It’s a friendship bracelet, I think.”

Tom walked over to her, squinting at it. “Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. Do you think it was Mom’s?”

Kate shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe.”

“I was just telling her she should wear it. The colors suit her.”

Tom nodded. “Yeah, they do.” He held out the file to Ethan. “The insurance stuff is in there. Can you have a look at it? See if it’s enough for what we have here?”

Ethan nodded. “Sure, of course.”

“Great. Thanks for doing this, man. I don’t know that I could trust anyone else, except maybe Phil or Stokey, and I’m not sure they’d even know enough.”

Ethan looked at him and nodded. “No problem. I’m not sure I have the expertise, either, but I can at least look it over and recommend someone.”

“Thanks. You’re in the music business, and I’m sure you have more contacts than any of us put together.”

“Yes,” said Ethan. “That’s true.” There was a hint of bitterness in the tone and it caused Kate to look up at him.

* * *

The air was cold, Kate’s breath coming out in little puffs, and fallen leaves crackled under their feet as they made their way through the woods. She could hear Max up ahead of them bounding through the bushes. It was the first time he’d had a good walk since her father had died, Kate realized. She and Tom weren’t the only ones benefiting from a time out from the house. It had been Ethan’s suggestion, and now she was glad of it. If only they weren’t headed to the one place she’d deliberately avoided since returning to Somerton Lake.

Up ahead, Tom strode through the trees purposely, moving toward the rise, the one they used to go to when they were growing up. The one that led to the huge rock that jutted out above the lake. Anyone sitting on it had the whole countryside at his feet. At least it seemed that way. She and Tom used to play lookout up here when they were bicycle-riding age and Tom’s friends didn’t mind if she tagged along. Later, it became the place to sit and try out all things teen, from smoking to making out.

Behind her she heard Ethan curse. She turned, and he gave her an apologetic look. “Sorry,” he said. “I tripped on a root. Wasn’t paying attention.”

She smiled. “Some hiker-explorer you are.”

“Hey,” he said, his tone filled with mock indignation. “I’ll have you know I was an Eagle Scout.”

“Really?” she said, surprised. She’d pictured him in country clubs or summers on Cape Cod. Eagle Scout didn’t seem to fit.

“Yes, really,” he said. “I’ll build a fire for you, if you need convincing.”

She laughed. “By rubbing two sticks together, you mean?”

“Of course,” he said, grinning at her.

The woods opened out, and they veered off the path to climb the rise. She felt her heart rate increase, the dread starting to grow. She slipped on some scree and felt Ethan’s hand on her back to steady her.

“Careful,” he said.

“Eagle Scout to the rescue,” she said, forcing a laugh.

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