Page 25 of Magic Cursed

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Everything I’ve worked so hard for. All the money I’ve been saving up over the years to leave Thaaryn and its persecution, all of it taken by the very people I’m trying to escape from. A burning rage fills me. I stand up, not being able to sit for another moment. My wounds ache, but I ignore them.

Kellan rushes to my side, concern etched on his annoyingly handsome face. “Careful, you shouldn’t be standing yet.”

He reaches out to me, and I smack his hand away. “Don’t touch me,” I say with venom. “I don’t need your help. I just need to get out of here. Give me back my clothes, at least, and I’ll be on my way.” Where? I have no idea.

Kellan gives me an apologetic look and I want to punch him. I don’t need his damn pity; I just need to leave. I can’t stay here. Not when every moment I’m in this castle, I’m in danger of being discovered.

My heart races and my face warms. Before I can tell what’s happening, my anger calls to the primal power in waiting, and my body tingles with it. The tingling heats to burning as it fights to get to the surface, it fights for release.

No, no, no.

I push it back down, and hobble to the open window, turning my back to Kellan. I take deep breaths, letting the cold air cool my heated skin.You must control the magic, or it will control you.I look down at my hands. Blue-tinged darkness is already leaking from my fingertips, twisting and swirling. If Kellan closes the distance to me, he’ll see it. I squeeze my hands into fists. I can’t let that power out, especially not in front of Kellan. Deal or not, if he sees what my magic really is, he’ll know exactly how dangerous I am and will have me locked up or killed.

I close my eyes, focusing on my breathing, on slowing my heartbeats, on the cold breeze washing over me. I imagine it snuffing out my burning magic, like blowing out the flame of a candle. I watch the tendrils of darkness fade away. When I finally feel in control again, I take a steadying breath and turn to face Kellan.

He holds a hand out to me like I’m a wild animal. I suppose I might look like one right now. “Just listen to me,” he says. “There’s a way you can get compensation for all of it.”

I eye him suspiciously. “How?” I lean on the windowsill, feeling drained again.

“Please, just sit down and we’ll talk about it.”

I limp to the chair by the bed. I’m not sure I would’ve made it all the way to the dining table. Kellan looks relieved when I’m sitting. He pulls his chair from the table over to sit across from me. “There’s a quest that will hopefully change the course of the war and end the attacks of the shadow demons forever. If you agree to come with us—to work with us—after, we’ll pay you the monetary difference of everything that was confiscated.”

They want to pay me to go on this quest. A criminal? “Why?”

“Because you’re the only one to survive a shadow demon attack.” He leans forward. “You saved those children. We need someone like that to protect the Prince and the Regent on this endeavor.”

“Prince Daimis is going?” It just keeps getting worse.

“Yes,” Kellan’s eyes shift. “Against my better judgment. And so am I. Sky, the results from this quest will save everyone in Thaaryn.”

I work to keep myself calm, lowering my voice. “And what has Thaaryn ever done for me? You know as well as I do that sorcerers are hated in Thaaryn.”

Kellan nods. “Yes, I know. But why? Because it was magic that brought the cursed shadow demons here. It was a sorcerer who murdered our good King.”

I flinch. Not just any sorcerer, my father.

“But perhaps,” Kellan continues. “This quest is just what’s needed for everyone to see that magic can be used for good, too.” He reaches out and tentatively places a hand over mine. “To see that magic users can be good, can do good.”

Huh, not this one.“I’m being blackmailed with my own money to work with you?” I pull my hand out from under his and cross my arms over my chest. “You tried to get me to join you when we first met, and I wouldn’t, so now you’ve found a way to force me?” I huff a humorless laugh and shoot daggers at him with my gaze. “Well done, hero.”

His eyes widen. “No. Wait, Sky, this isn’t even my idea. It was the Regent’s plan. I was just sent as the messenger because we know each other.”

“You don’t know me,” I snap. “You knownothingabout me. For instance,” I pull a pin from my hair and twist it between my fingers. “You don’t know that with a flick of my wrist, I could kill you with this pin.”

“You’re not going to kill me, Sky,” he says with confidence.

I twist the pin between my fingers. “I’m certainly considering it.”

“If you wanted me dead, I’d be dead already. We both know you’ve had plenty of opportunities. You’re not bad. And deep down, I think you want this. You want to help others, just like you helped me in the fjord.” He stands and walks toward the door. “Think about the offer. But know that this deal is the only way you’re going to get your money back. Yes, I think we could make a real difference together, but you still have a choice. I’ll give you time to decide.”

He opens the door and I send the pin flying; it sticks with a thump into the door frame just beside his head. He turns to look at me with admiration in his eyes. “See, that’s exactly why we need you for this quest. Great shot.”

I tilt my head and give him a sinister smile. “I missed.”

He chuckles on his way out, shutting the door behind him. I hold back the urge to throw my teacup at the door too. Instead, I slump deeper into the chair and sulk.

If I leave here with no money, and nowhere to go, what would I do? Sure, I could procure more black market items, but who would I sell them to? Everyone I knew in the black market trade is dead. Say I do find new buyers, how long would it take to save up again? It took me years the first time.
