Page 24 of Demons and Darlings

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I stepped up to the small table, raising the gun to eye level. He chuckled behind me, sliding his hands down my arms to cup my palms and shadow my movement. My breath hitched as he pressed his chest into my back until I could feel his heart pounding lightly in his chest.

He easily could have felt my heartbeat, too. Although mine raced wildly.

“Good,” he said. He used his hands to adjust my grip, just slightly, while pulling back an inch. “When you’re ready, move your finger to the trigger and pull slowly.”

“Are you sure?” I breathed.

He laughed quietly. “Just try not to kill anybody.”

It wasn’t exactly a boost of confidence, but with Alek standing so close behind me, I didn’t have a choice. I rolled my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm myself before I moved my finger to the trigger.

And pulled.

Alek’s hands tightened around me, protecting me from the kickback of the gun.

When I looked at the target, relief flooded me. It wasn’t in the center of the target—not even close.

But it did hit the target.

I spun around to Alek, unable to hide the smile on my face. “Did you see that?” I asked. “I actually did it! I actually shot a gun!”

He was smiling just as much as I was. “You sure did. You’re a natural. Let’s see you do it again.”

I returned to my shooting position. This time, Alek let me hold the gun on my own. “Spread your legs,” he ordered. I jerked back to him, anger flushing my cheeks. Alek only cocked his head, releasing a low laugh. He stepped a little closer, enough to make my heart leap into my throat. I craned my neck to look up at him, and he lowered his face to mine. “Spread your legs.” His foot nudged the inside sole, urging my feet apart. “For balance, Lyra.”

Embarrassment flooded me, and I cleared my throat as I turned back to the target. Alek leaned down and whispered, his breath tickling my skin, “Aim.” I aimed. “And shoot.”

I shot the gun.

I hit the target again, closer to the center this time. Adrenaline and excitement rushed over me. I couldn’t help but turn to Alek, waiting for his reaction. His look of approval sent a thrill through me, and I stifled a smile as I turned back to the target.

We continued the same thing. Alek gave me a few tips here and there, but otherwise he freely let me shoot his gun at the target.

After a few minutes, the other demons in the room ignored us.

“Ready to go?” Alek asked after a while.

“I don’t think my body can handle any more adrenaline.” I rubbed my hand over my heart for emphasis.

He zipped up his black bag. “You better get used to it. Demons run on adrenaline.”

I raised a brow. “Is that so?”

He grabbed my hand, mindlessly interlocking his fingers with mine, before starting toward the door. “Stick with me long enough and you’ll see.”

I smiled at him, and it wasn’t at all fake. I had completely forgotten I was even supposed to be acting, I was supposed topretendto be having fun. Because for the last thirty minutes, I was genuinely happy to be there with Alek.

“Where are you two off to?” His father stopped us before we left the building.

I noticed the way Alek stiffened. His hand tightened in mine, and he lifted his chin slightly as he replied, “I’m taking Lyra back home. We just came to shoot a few rounds.”

His father stared back at him. I could see the similarities between the two of them now. Alek was only a few inches taller than his father, but their tanned skin matched, along with their black, flowing hair. Even the loose strand of hair that sometimes hung down Alek’s forehead belonged to his father, too.

Something silent passed between them. I was sheltered, sure, but I wasn’t a complete idiot. I watched as the demon king’s eyes darkened. They didn’t leave Alek, though. I half-expected him to say something to me, to acknowledge me in some way.

But he didn't

“Let’s go, Lyra,” Alek said to me. This time, we weren’t interrupted as we left the building.

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