Page 17 of Chorus of Ashes

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“Stubborn young fool,” Callahan shot back before the door shut.

Despite his annoyance, Rian grinned after the old man’s departure. Callahan was the only man who could speak to him like that and get away with it. It was good for him to have somebody in his life who talked back. The issue was, right now he needed answers, and Callahan was being stubborn about helping him. Which meant the old man wanted him to come up with his own answers. Annoyed, Rian lifted his pant leg and took out the knife, placing it on the table in front of him. It was a relatively unassuming blade, with an emerald hilt that showcased a gilded Celtic design. The blade itself wasn’t all that long, but its strength lay in its deception. Many would pass over this blade, thinking it fairly nondescript or not all that powerful, and that was likely a deliberate design. For its true power lay in the magick that coursed through it. Idly, he trailed a finger across the blade, and was instantly rewarded with a cut. A drop of blood dripped from his finger, onto the blade, and the knife began to glow.

Instantly, Rian’s mind was cast to Terra and how she’d felt in his arms. Naked, entwined around him, the light of the full moon raining down on them like a benediction. He still remembered the day he’d first seen her up close, angry, terribly beautiful, as she judged him at his trial. She’d never quite left him since, Rian realized, and now her words came back to haunt him.

I believed you.

Had she really? Or was she just saying that because it was the right thing to say in that moment? If she had — why hadn’t his exile been overturned? Rian had more questions than answers, and an even bigger one loomed.

Why couldn’t he resist Terra? Every time he was near her, it was as though he had to do everything in his power not to touch her. And he’d failed twice now. Either he needed to stay away from her, or he needed to just have his way with her and get her out of his system. There would be no in-between. He’d never been one for dancing in the gray areas of life, and he certainly wouldn’t do so now. Either way, Callahan was right. He needed time before he decided what to do with this amulet.

Turning, he lifted a floorboard and pulled out an iron lockbox, ignoring the sting of the metal at his skin. Rian unpacked a charmed cloth from his satchel and carefully wrapped the knife in the cloth, before placing it inside the safe. Not only did he lock it with a code on the little lock on the door, but he also used an intricate spell to protect it. When finished, he swiftly moved the box back beneath the floorboards, and again used his magick to seal the space. Red marks tinged his fingers where he’d touched the metal but, all things considered, it wasn’t the worst pain he’d felt that day.

No, that award could go to Terra. Though he’d enjoyed her touch immensely, the pain of not knowing how it felt to be buried deep inside her caused his body to stir again, and he knew it wasn’t likely he would get much sleep that night. Resigned to a restless night, Rian dropped onto his bed and pulled a pillow over his head. When his body screamed for release,again, he reached for himself with his hand.

When he finally found the relief he sought, it was with Terra’s name at his lips.


“Good morning,Lady Terra. I hope you had a restful evening after your walk?”

“Good morning, Callahan.” Terra didn’t answer his question because her evening had been anything but restful as worry about what Rian planned to do with the amulet had consumed her thoughts. “Will we be able to leave our confines today?”

“Yes, that’s why I am here. We have a rare bit of sunshine, so I set up breakfast outside if you’d like to take some air. Oh, and before you do so…” Callahan raised a finger, causing Terra to pause. “It seems that himself has gotten a few wounds on his hands. Perhaps you have something that may help?”

“Is that right? From what, do you know?” Terra was already reaching for her bag where she carried a number of ingredients for her magicks.

“I believe a knife cut and blisters from iron.”

“Iron? Why is that fool touching iron?” Terra muttered, digging through her bag.

“He also has not slept. Perhaps something for relaxation as well?” Callahan suggested, and Terra shot him a considering look over her shoulder.

“What’s this about, Callahan?”

“Miss Bianca has informed me of a plan of sorts…” Callahan trailed off, steepling his hands in front of him, a pleased expression on his face.

“Is that right? I’m surprised she shared with you. Aren’t you meant to be loyal to Rian? How do we know you won’t go tell him?”

“Ah yes, a valid question. How best do I say this?” Callahan rocked on his heels and tapped a finger to his mouth. “I’m loyal to Rian’s best interests. Sometimes, the man can work against himself if you understand what I’m saying?”

“Sure and I can be understanding the nature of stupid men,” Terra grumbled, and then she winced when Callahan’s eyebrows rose. “Not all men. Just Rian.”

“Of course, Lady Terra. I believe I called him the same myself last night.”

“Did you now?” Terra straightened and considered Callahan. “Is Bianca right to think you’re on our side then?”

“I don’t know that there’s sides, necessarily,” Callahan said. “At least not between the three of you and Rian, though he sees it differently. However, Iamon the side of making sure the Dark Fae do not prosper.”

“Yet you help him on his mission.”

“I do. But make no mistake, Lady Terra. I am not a gentle bystander who follows Rian blindly. I’d like to consider myself more of a guide, really.”

“You care for him.” A piece of her was glad that Rian had someone in his corner.

“I do.” Callahan shrugged a shoulder, unapologetic in expressing his emotions. “But I offer no one blind allegiance, Lady Terra. It’s why I left our realm years ago. I’m at peace with my choice to do so. I can only hope Rian finds the same.”

“He’s the least peaceful man I’ve ever met,” Terra grumbled as she put her ingredients on the table and began mixing a salve for Rian’s blisters. At that, Callahan barked out a laugh.
