Page 48 of Chorus of Ashes

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“Of course, Terra. I’m always going to support you. This is important,” Rian said. He released Terra, but not before dropping a quick kiss to her lips, and then threaded his fingers through hers as they wandered farther up the stream until they came to a spot that Terra had picked. “Which bush did you decide upon?”

“An elder bush,” Terra said. She pursed her lips as they came to a stop by where a guard had brought out a shovel and a bush ready for planting. “It has several meanings, depending on which history you look at. The Fae believe it to keep evil spirits away. The humans who follow Christianity believe it to be a traitor bush from one of their stories. I thought the mixed meanings to be appropriate here, though for me, no plant carries bad meanings. Just various ways it contributes to the environment as a whole.”

“I think it is the perfect choice for Cormac,” Rian said, and hefted the shovel. With Terra directing, Rian dug a hole to plant a bush for the man who had betrayed them both. He no longer felt anger for Cormac, though he wouldn’t necessarily look back on the man fondly either. Once the hole was deep enough, he waited for Terra to direct him.

Today she wore a gold dress, similar to the one she’d worn on their first date, with green leaves etched at the hem. A gilded crown pulled her hair back from her face, and her green eyes were luminous as she lifted a golden urn. Terra stepped forward until she stood just at the edge of the river and bowed her head in silence. When she lifted it, a beam of light speared the branches, illuminating her, and she uncovered the urn. Bending, Terra tilted the urn until the ashes inside sprinkled into the water that rushed past.

“From dust to ashes, and back again, our soul reunites with its home — the Earth from whence it came. It’s no more a goodbye than it is a welcoming, and our Earth greets our brother with great joy, quiet acceptance, and resounding love as Cormac’s ashes return to the Earth to take root once more with our future brethren,” Terra said, her voice ringing across the forest. The trees raised their song, a resounding chorus, as Cormac’s ashes returned to the Earth.

“A chorus of ashes,” Rian murmured, understanding dawning about the role the trees played in the Earth Fae’s world. It was all interconnected, soulful energy uniting, and it now made sense why Aster had directed him to look for her among the trees.

“It is, indeed. A beautiful one at that,” Terra said, turning to smile up at where the branches waved above them as though the trees had raised their arms to the sky in praise. “Let’s plant, shall we?”

“Of course,” Rian said. He lifted the bush and positioned it in the middle of the hole while Terra worked quietly to fill in the dirt on the sides of the roots. They did so in silence, seeming to understand that both would have their own feelings about honoring Cormac’s memory. When she finished, Terra stood and brushed the dirt from her hands, tears shining in her eyes.

The song of the trees reached a crescendo.

“I’m sorry he hurt you,” Rian said, pulling Terra into his arms. He hated seeing the tears in her eyes.

“Oh, goddess, but I should be the one apologizing to you,” Terra sighed. “But today isn’t for apologies, not really. We’ve said all those. Today is about forgiveness and honoring the life of a flawed man. Nobody is perfect, but he paid the ultimate sacrifice in trying to right his wrongs.”

“For which I am forever grateful,” Rian said, rocking Terra gently in his arms as the trees finished their song.

“Farewell, my brother. You’ll be missed.”

They stood like that, listening to the music of the trees, and watching as the forest animals came past to pay their respects. Eventually, Terra shifted in his arms, and pulled away, reaching for his hand once more.

“Come, Rian. I have a surprise for you.”

“For me? Whatever for?” Rian asked, immediately suspicious. He dearly hoped it wasn’t something formal with King Callum like being knighted or something of that nature. Though he’d been offered his Head of Magicks role again when they’d first arrived back to the Fae realm, Rian had refused it in order to be available for Terra’s needs. They both knew another battle loomed, and Rian wasn’t about to let Terra head off to war or whatever may come without him by her side. He’d already almost lost her once, it wasn’t about to happen again. At least not on his watch.

“Because I love you,” Terra said, smiling up at him. “Because I wanted to do something nice for you. Because I love seeing your smile come more easily these days. For a while I was certain your face had frozen into a glower.” Terra pulled a sullen face, trying to mimic Rian’s angry expression he once wore regularly, and he grinned despite himself.

“Yes, well, now I have something to smile about. Particularly when you…” Rian leaned down and whispered about a naughty move Terra had performed on him the night before when they’d been alone together. Pink flushed Terra’s cheeks, and she bit her lip, making him instantly want her once more.

Now was certainly not the time for such a thing, Rian reminded his baser self, and pushed those thoughts aside as they neared a clearing in the meadow where a royal guard stood holding a large wicker basket. At Terra’s nod, he placed the basket on the ground and disappeared from the field.

“Are we having a picnic?” Rian asked. “Sure and that’s a nice surprise. Thank you, Terra.”

“No we aren’t having a picnic.” Terra rolled her eyes and tugged him to the basket. “But I should have known food would be the way to cheering you up. No, this is something else. I … well, I guess you’ll see. I just thought you might—”

“Careful,” Rian warned, grabbing Terra, and pulling her backward as the basket shook.

“I promise you, it’s not dangerous.” Terra laughed. “Well, perhaps to your heart.”

Rian’s mouth dropped open as the basket toppled over and an enthusiastic puppy bounded out. He was already dropping to his knees to catch the blur of fur and energy as it lapped enthusiastically at his face.

“A puppy?” Rian breathed, his heart splitting open at the fuzzball that shook with delight in his arms. “You got me a puppy?”

“I did, at that. You seemed to love Rosie so much, and it was the first time that I’d ever seen you so … I don’t know. Just relaxed? Captivated? Childlike?” Terra tapped a finger on her lips as she thought about it. “Or maybe it was just because you’d let your guard down and genuinely looked happy. I thought … well, why not? The man deserves a puppy. And don’t worry — I’ve already spoken to my parents about when we have to attend to royal duties. They are on full puppy watch. In fact, I barely pulled this rascal away from my father.”

Terra and her parents had managed to repair their relationship after news of Cormac’s betrayal and subsequent death had made it home. Eoghan had delivered a heartfelt and prompt apology to Terra, and they’d been working on mending their shared hurts since. Rian wasn’t sure what would come of Eoghan’s relationship with his wife, but that, at least, wasn’t a problem for Rian to solve.

“I get to keep him?” Disbelief filled Rian as the puppy rolled over on its back, pawing the air, while it looked up at him with a smile on its face. “What does he want?”

“I think he wants you to scratch his tummy. And yes, you get to keep him.” Terra chuckled. “What’s his name?”

“Callahan,” Rian said immediately, and Terra laughed again and dropped to the grass next to him.

“A mighty name for a mighty wee beastie,” Terra agreed, giggling as the puppy tumbled its way over to her.

Rian’s heart was full. It didn’t matter the future they faced, or the fights they would fight, because nothing could take from him this moment in time full of love and laughter. It was like capturing sunshine in a bottle. It was just as his mother had promised him, and Rian held tightly to that thought now. Whatever darkness came, he’d always look for the light among the leaves.

Don't worry! Even though Rian insists his friend Callahan (not his new puppy!) is happy on his own, you can still read about Callahan's second chance at love in this bonus scene: Go to

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