Page 70 of Dark Mate

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Azazel sighed. “He’s your uncle, girl. Catch up.”

“But… but I had no family—”

Tyler growled. “You had us; we simply weren’t fit to raise or contact you. My mother made sure of that.”

I couldn’t speak. My mouth opened and closed like a fish until he continued.

“When your parents met, the only person who knew was your grandmother. And for good fucking reason, too. I’d have had to kill my brother or separate them if I knew.” He paused, then exchanged a knowing glance with Azazel. “So, your grandmother kept it a secret. I should've known something was up, since Terrell was always leaving the pack. It made no sense; he worked in cyber security, he didn’t have to leave for work, and, besides, half the companies hiring him didn’t know he was a fallen-blood wolf. He’d never risk them finding out.

“But, I was distracted. Wolves were going feral daily, and as the Alpha, they looked to me for a solution. It wasn’t until one of my men pointed out that Terrell didn’t seem to be exhibiting the aggression and mindless rage the others in the pack did whenever one of our own had to be put down that I knew I had found one.”

I swallowed. I didn’t dare interrupt him. This was the most information I’d gotten about my biological parents ever. I didn’t even care that I knew this wouldn’t end well; I finally knew my parents' names.

“I tried to ask him what the fuck was going on, and he blew me off. Said he wasbusy.” Tyler laughed darkly. “Sometimes, Terrell forgot that I was his alpha. And maybe I was too soft on him. I followed him on one of his business trips, found out he was fucking some pretty little rich wolf; Arianna Depradine. Her father was an oil tycoon. I’m sure you don’t know, but you’re worth billions. Last I heard, old man Depradine had lost his wife in a skiing accident.”

I had a grandfather. I had a grandfather who was alive. A biological one.

“When I found out she was a blessed-blood, I told him to get rid of her, or else I would,” he went on. “A couple months later, I found her in my mother’s setting area on fallen-blood property. They were having fuckingteatime. By then, Terrell had mellowed out so much that if it weren’t for his eyes and the god-awful stink that follows us around, I’d have considered him blessed-blood.

“I told her to get the hell out of there, and she tried to introduce herself to me,” he laughed disbelievingly. “Tried to tell me we werefamily. I told her if she didn't get off our lands, I’d let the boys at her. She went running. Terrell tried to confront me about it, but I forbade him from seeing her again. And he ignored me. It took me too long to realize the reason he’d mellowed out was her. She had calmed his wolf, almost reversed his animalistic nature.”

My heart plummeted into my gut. Their situation sounded vaguely like Sariel and I’s, and as I listened to him, I realized that it would make sense for them to be mates. It would explain why Terrell had ignored Tyler’s orders.

“So, I tried experimenting. I thought that maybe it was the sex, but it wasn’t. Maybe it needed to be love or something,” he said, rolling his eyes. “That didn’t work either. Maybe it was their blood itself? But it wasn’t.”

His dark eyes landed on me, and my skin crawled in the lecherous way he seemed to regard me. “So, I thought, maybe it’s just her. Maybe she’s special.”

Apprehension clogged my throat.

“So, I took her,” he said matter-of-factly. “It wasn’t the sex… and I couldn’t get her to love me, and after I’d spilled her blood across my floors in my frustration, I learned it was her blood. It provided a temporary sort of nirvana.”

My stomach revolted.

“Terrell found me licking her blood off the floor. I’d never seen him that angry, not even before he met your mother. I had to kill him, or he would’ve killed me. Left me with a nasty scar to remember him by, though.” He lifted his shirt to reveal a thick scar running horizontally along the bottom of his stomach. “The little shit tried to gut me.”

“I…” I croaked. “You killed them.”

He shrugged. “It was a means to an end. I’ve been trying to recreate whatever the fuck was in your mother’s blood, even grabbed some ofhermother’s blood while she was hospitalized. At the time, I didn’t know you’d been alive. I didn’t know until our mother died and asked me to watch over Terrell’s offspring. And then it became obvious who the next best thing was if I couldn’t use Arianna. You.”

I took a hasty step back, taking the wolf holding me with me. Sariel surged forward, and the wolves holding him could barely restrain him. I could feel his disgust and disappointment as if they were my own, his sorrow and desperation to comfort me where I stood trembling.

“Azazel’s been funding my little experiments,” he said, taking another step towards me. “In exchange, I’ve been working for him. Now, I have you.”

Tyler breathed, his eyes manic. “I’m going to wring you dry. The doctor said you’re probably more potent because you’re mixed. I can’t wait to find out.”

He flipped open a pocket knife as he took the final step toward me.

“I hope you bleed as pretty as your mother did.”
