Page 81 of Fallen Mate

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I’d kissed his cheek when he’d stopped himself from making a threat. He was maturing.

Marilyn had declared the same, and Neo had not-so-subtly informed Lucia that the human, Reese, was not to be touched. He was clearly not going to be leaving her side now that he knew this tidbit.

She’d warned us beforehand that they weren’t shy about sex, but it was still jarring to stumble upon two men in the throes of passion on our tour of the gardens, and then a Guardian and a little fae woman going at it along the side of the castle. They weren’t the only ones, either; almost everywhere we went, we could hear the telltale signs of couples indulging.

The lack of panties was going to be anissue, because rather than freak me out, the voyeuristic tabooness of watching people partake of each other in the most intimate way made me ache similar to the way Sariel did. Based on the way he’d adjusted himself several times throughout the tour, it was safe to assume he shared my sentiments.

By the time the tour had ended, Sariel’s grip on my hand was snug.

The second Lucia had excused herself and we’d all found our individual rooms again, I quickly ended up sitting on his face, his hands anchoring me in place, and I rode his tongue until I was slurring gibberish. I returned the favor, and my chest bloomed with pride at the way he was nearly unconscious after he came with a hoarse shout of my name.

Therefore, we’d learned enough about the fae to make the most basic decisions and say the right things when interacting with the ones we passed while exploring, but not enough to know what would and wouldn’t insult the King and Queen. Sariel had been right.

“I don’t know if thanking them will be enough,” I whispered. I was positive that Commander Grel—who I could barely look in the face now that I’d seen what his cock looked like plunging in and out of someone—could hear us, but was being respectful by pretending he couldn’t.

“I’m sure that’s what we’re going to discuss; how we can show them our gratitude or how we can repay them,” Sariel answered.

Even though his words usually calmed my nerves, they were doing nothing for me today. I was too on edge, my stomach in knots and dread swirling around my head. I had a bad feeling, and I didn’t know what to do about it.

Grel was taking us to a section of the castle we hadn’t yet been to. I could ascertain that these were the King and Queen’s private quarters; my wolf revolted at the idea of entering their personal space, but I kept my expression pleasant.

“When are we going to shift and officially introduce your wolf to my angel?” Sariel suddenly asked.

I turned to him. “I hadn’t thought about that, actually. Does your angel want to meet my wolf?”

Sairel scoffed. “He’s a lovesick fool. He gets actual hearts in his eyes whenever she nudges the bond. He thinks she’s the most precious thing in existence and is obsessed with you both.”

My tummy flip-flopped at his candor. “Really?”

He raised a brow at me. “Is your wolf not obsessed with me on a level bordering insanity?”

I laughed. “She is. Has been from the moment we met actually. She wanted to lick you from head to toe when you walked into that reception area that first time; you smelled divine, and I guess she knew before I did that you would mean something to us.”

“My angel fights me every single chance it gets,” he said, sighing dramatically. “If it were up to him, we would’ve already tested Neo’s theory about bonds solidifying after sex.”

Heat swelled in my gut. “Don’t talk about sex right now,” I hissed. “No underwear, remember?”

Sariel’s gaze was lascivious as he reached across and pinched one distended nipple through the thin material of my dress. “Oh, I remember alright.”

I slapped his hand away and swallowed my moan. “Behave,” I tried to snap, but it came out more a cross between a whine and an exasperated sigh.

“So… when?” he reiterated. “My angel is dying to meet her.”

“We can do it after this, if this conversation doesn’t end in dire consequences,” I glumly replied.

“It’ll be similar to the Resistance,” he assured me. “They’ll ask us to contribute in some way by working. They’re not going to ask for our firstborn child, Aria. Calm down.”

I frowned. “Fine.”

Grel shoved open the double doors he’d stopped in front of and ushered us in.

Sariel and I froze at the sight before us.

It was a literal orgy. There were people having sex in every nook and cranny except for the table itself, where the King and Queen sat with three others. The sounds of slick bodies sliding against each other, thighs slapping against thighs, and subtle gags made my skin pebble with beads of sweat instantly.

Sariel moved closer to me.

The Queen had shrunk to fit into the chairs, and I wondered briefly why she hadn’t done so in the throne room.
