Page 46 of Top Secret Cowboy

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“That’s our take too. We’re still digging into any connection he might have with The Broker. But since we don’t knowhisidentity, it might take a while. In the meantime, Jaren and McCoy are in San Francisco and will be in contact with you soon.”


He could hear her typing in the background. Corrine could multitask like a pro, managing to speed-type while talking on the phone.

“How’s your ward holding up?” Her question caught him off guard.

His mind stuttered over what to tell her.

She got freaked out by the threat sent by mail and ended up in my arms…then somehow my cock ended up in her.

He released a trickle of air through his nostrils. “She’s holding up. How do things look with the horse I have on my radar? It still listed in the auction?”

“As of yesterday, she’s still listed in the catalog on the site. Do you think you’ll be finished with your op in Cali in time to bid on her?”

He stifled a groan. Damn, he didn’t want to miss out on that horse. The mare was everything he wanted—a strong bloodline and great for difficult mountain trail riding.

On the flip side, his gut churned at the thought of leaving Bronte. She was a long way from being safe.

“There are far too many loose ends here. The partner could still be involved. And The Broker knows too much about Bronte.”

“Bronte,” she repeated slowly. “An unusual name. It’s missing the dots over theEif you typed it right.”

“Yeah…” Something he enjoyed teasing her about. Though what she lacked in her name, she made up for in every other way.

“I’d appreciate it if you could keep tabs on the horse for me.”

“There’s a possibility you can place an absentee bid.”

“I’ll take that path if it comes to it. But it’s my first auction. I’m hoping I don’t miss it.”

“When you first signed with the team, I never pegged you for a horse lover, Jace.” The noise of typing paused and he detected a smile in Corrine’s voice.

“Sometimes you don’t know what you’re missing in your life until you’re introduced to it.”

The soft clack of footsteps on the hardwood floor reached his ears. His insides stirred at the knowledge that Bronte was awake and coming this way.

“Keep me informed, Corrine.”

“Will do.” Without another word, she ended the call, in the same no-nonsense way she began it.

Jace placed his mug in the sink and drifted toward the doorway. His gut jerked at the sight of Bronte walking toward him, fully dressed in a fitted white blouse, a skirt that skimmed over her curves…

And red stilettos.

Fuck, was shetryingto get him fired? Maybe she wanted him to rip open that frilly blouse and send all the buttons flying.

Her gaze met his. A spark ignited between them.

Well, so much for their attraction fading in the light of day.

Bronte cut her gaze over his bare chest, to his jeans hanging low on his hips and finally his bare feet.

He looked down at hers too, and his dick jerked behind his fly at how damn sexy she looked in them.

She smelled like vanilla and cherries again too.

“You’re up early.” His tone came out too gritty.

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