Page 19 of Bonds We Break

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I let out a big sigh. “I don’t have a place to stay,” I admit.

“Of course you do, honey.” Wade smiles at me, ignoring Adam’s stare which leads me to believe this was not discussed or planned.

I start to pick up my clothes and look for my bag to place them in when Adam says, “Honey, just burn it all.”

I glare at him but then realize he’s probably right.

“What was that?” Adam jumps and clings to Wade. “Something just moved in the corner.” He points in the direction of a shadowy corner of the room.

Wade grabs my hand and yanks on it. “Find the other shoe so we can get the fuck out of here, will ya?”


14 Karat Gold

I THROW MY favorite hoodie on, fresh from the dryer, and start folding the rest of my clothes. Adam and Wade have a working washer and dryer, but I have been banished to the basement to do my laundry. I roll my eyes as I pull out another sock to find that it’s not the one I’m looking for. I toss it in the basket anyway, figuring I’ll find the other one at some point. I lug the basket up one flight of stairs so I can get to the elevator.

Wade’s condo is on the 3rd floor of a nice high-rise in between Mission Bay and Pacific Beach. A block to the east is the bay, with a grassy beach and sailboats lined up in their slips. A couple blocks to the west is the ocean. It’s in the perfect location for tourists, but I’ve noticed there are some full-time residents here as well.

When I get to the door, I balance the basket against the wall while I fish out the keys from my pocket. I get the door unlocked and crash through, dropping the basket on the floor with a loud thud. There’s a commotion coming from the kitchen to my right, and when I look over, I find Wade holding an oven mitt trying to cover himself, and Adam still partially leaning over the counter with a drawer opened in front of him. As if that could hide what he’s packing.

“Oh my God.” I cover my eyes and try to find the keys I dropped.

“I thought you said she’d be gone for a while!” Adam says incredulously, opening and closing drawers.

“What are you looking for in the drawer?” Wade asks, and I can almost hear the eye roll.

“I don’t fucking know,” Adam retorts, annoyed.

“I’m so sorry.” I try to keep my eyes covered as the two of them shuffle out of the kitchen, but on their way down the hall to the bedroom, I catch a very firm set of butt cheeks retreating into the bedroom.

I shove my laundry basket next to the couch and attempt to sneak out of the condo to avoid any more embarrassment, when Wade comes out from the bedroom, a pair of sweatpants thrown on, and stops me.

“I’m so, so, sorry,” I tell him again, trying to back out of the room.

“You have great timing,” he says sarcastically.

I smirk. “Well, now I know who’s the top,” I snicker like a prepubescent boy.

Wade gives me a dark look, “Did you ever think differently?”

I cock an eyebrow. “He has a really nice ass.” I give him a wink as I open the door.

“You don’t have to leave,” Wade says, probably feeling sorry for me.

“It’s fine, I’ll take a walk, get some coffee…” I pause, “Let you two… finish?” I quirk a questioning eyebrow as Wade follows me out the door and into the hallway.

He leans against the doorframe, crossing his ankles and scratching his head. I can sense there’s something he’s not saying. I know Wade, and I see the look in his eye, the smile on his face, and I figure it out. I smile and poke his chest, “You love him.” Adam’s either here or Wade is at his place, but either way they are always together, although, neither one of them has put a label on it.

Wade smiles bashfully.

“Ahh, I knew it, you lurve him,” I tease.

Wade is more complicated than he appears to other people. He had a string of one-night stands while we were on tour, but then he met Adam and he seems different but still guarded, as if he doesn’t think he deserves something this good in his life. Wade is ambitious and smart but he hides it behind his sometimes I and sweet nature. He’s always trying to fix everyone else’s problems, making it hard for others to see he has some of his own.

He blows out a breath. “It makes things complicated.”

I touch his arm and make him look me in the eye. “Love is always complicated,” I tell him. “Me and my golden pussy would know all about that.” I make him laugh and we giggle in the hallway.
