Page 45 of Bonds We Break

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“Cash!” I yelp in surprise, causing the paint to spray from the brush. Luckily the counter and floor are covered with a tarp, but Cash is not so lucky. I laugh when I see speckles of white in Cash’s blonde hair and on his face.

“Hey!” he laughs, smudging some of the paint on his cheek as he attempts to wipe it off.

“That’s what you get,” I yell at him, my eyes narrowed in humor.

“Oh really?” he says mischievously as he dips the extra brush in a can of paint and shakes it at me.

“Oh my God!” I put my hands up to try and stop the paint from hitting me, but it’s no use. “You’re such a child!” I laugh as I fling whatever paint is left on my brush.

He reaches up and pulls me from the ladder and I wrap my legs around his waist, wet paint smearing between us. There are splotches of paint all over my mural, but I actually kind of like it.

I laugh as he kisses me playfully, his hands cupping each cheek as he sets me down on the counter.

“You are determined to stop me from finishing this mural,” I say between kisses, but I like his hands on me too much to stop him.

He pulls away and looks at me suddenly, his eyes serious. The depth of the stormy blue pulls me in and I place a hand to his cheek, wondering if something is wrong.

“Marry me?” His eyes are so serious. I touch the paint in his hair, a white streak amongst the sandy blonde.

“We’re already married.” And it feels like delicate bone china. The kind of china my parents would never allow me to touch because they thought I was too careless and would break it.

“I know.” His fingers slowly caress my cheek, along my jawline, and down my neck where he pulls the gold chain out from under my shirt. I didn’t think he noticed that I still wore it, but if he did, he never mentioned it. The simple gold band is balanced on the tip of his fingers.

I gulp under his stare, and the weight of what this means. He unclasps the necklace and slides the band free from the chain. I never even got to wear it. It sat around my neck like a promise for so long that it started to feel as if that’s where it belonged, not on my finger.

When he pulls my hand up between us and pushes the band on my ring finger, the weight of it is enormous. I hold it up in front of me, inspecting the band. There’s an inscription on the inside, Give me your heart, and I’ll love you till Monday.

Fucking is temporary, but this is forever. My eyes plead for him to be sure that he knows exactly what he’s getting into. How I thought I could ever give him up was an error on my part. I’ll take whatever he’s willing to give.

“I know what I want, and it has always been you.” His thumb grazes the curve of my breast. “If you want to redo our vows, have an actual wedding…”

I silence him with a kiss, letting my lips linger on his. My hand moves up his chest, feeling every muscle underneath my palms. As soon as I feel the necklace under his shirt, I grab onto the chain, pulling it out from under his shirt. My heart aches that he still wears it. I smile thinking about the inscription on his, Maybe I’ll stretch it till Tuesday. I yank hard causing the chain to break. A small hiss escapes Cash’s lips. We break apart long enough for me to place the gold band on his ring finger.

“I didn’t need it then, and I don’t need it now.” He is all I will ever need, and this moment will sustain me until the day I die.

When our eyes meet, I can see the delicate ties that bind us, slowly knitting themselves back together. We have been slowly finding our way back to each other, and I have relished every moment we have spent together over the past couple of months.

Trust is a delicate thing, and a heart is even more fragile.

The way he looks at me as if he believes in me, is heavy and consuming. He makes me want to be a better person. I want to be the person to make him smile every day, to make him laugh, and to feel his touch as if it is the last thing I will ever feel.

Heat builds between my legs as he moves his hand under the leg of my overalls. Just the pull of my panties sends a wave of desire rolling through me. His finger slips inside, spreading me apart, and I can barely breathe. A low moan escapes my lips as I close my eyes.

I will do anything to have him inside of me right now. I press my mouth to his with urgency, rubbing my pelvis against him. He moves down to my neck and I tip my head back, my hair falling behind me as he holds onto me.

“God, you are so fucking beautiful.” He palms my breast, and even over the denim material, it causes my nipple to harden. He unclips the buckle of my overalls and lets it slip from my shoulder. I watch with hooded eyes as the other strap slips and falls away.

My body is so alive, every nerve ending tingling with anticipation of his mouth and his hands on me. He pushes my torso back slightly so he can kiss and nip at my breast through my thin tank top, and he realizes I’m not wearing a bra. “Fuck…” His raspy voice causes my sex to throb. I want him to rip off my shirt, slide my panties down, and own me.

His hands move under my top, lifting it over my head. I capture his lips in mine, holding him close to me, not wanting to let go, using his mouth to ease the ache between my legs. Every time he presses his erection against me, I get closer and closer to the edge.

“Ah, God, I want you to fuck me,” I beg as he takes my nipple into his mouth. Cash knows every part of my body and uses it to his advantage, twisting and turning me on with every lick and touch. I pull on his hair and the arch of my back tells him everything he needs to know.

I work to unbuckle his belt, freeing his cock from his pants and he jerks the overalls from under my ass. I hop off the counter, letting them fall away. I push him down onto the tarp and straddle him, running my sex along his erection. I’m wet and aching, but I want to feel every inch of him against me.

His hands on my hips grip my flesh, his breathing stills and there’s a feral look in his eyes right before he flips me over and enters me possessively. I grab onto him, the breath knocked out of me. There is a dark part of me that responds to being handled roughly, and I ache for it. But when he kisses me tenderly, I dissolve into him like a puddle of water.

He places his hand over mine, linking our ring fingers together as he thrusts inside of me. I can feel the metal pinch my skin and hear the sound it makes as the rings rub against each other; a reminder that Cash is mine, body, and soul. It scares me, because it means I have the power to break him.
