Page 64 of Bonds We Break

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I really like this girl.

“It’s not glamorous and I’m a horrible boss, but…”

“You should know that I’m extremely opinionated, I can’t function without coffee, and I’m never on time,” Greta warns me.

I give her a broad smile. “I think we’re going to get along just fine.” I stick my hand out and she takes it in a firm shake.

“What’s going on here?” an out of breath Wade asks as he plops down into the seat between Greta and me.

“Mia just offered me a job,” Greta tells him, astonished. “Apparently there are jobs in feminism,” she winks at me.

Wade laughs boisterously, tipping back in his chair.

“What is so funny?” I demand.

“Yeah!” Greta chimes in.

“Oh, I thought you were joking.” He picks up my drink and takes a hearty gulp.

“I’m afraid not.” I cock my head to the side, wondering what he thinks is so funny.

Wade looks from Greta to me. “Oh boy, the two of you are going to give Bret an ulcer,” he laughs.

“Whoever this Bret is needs to grow some balls then,” Greta says, raising her glass in the air.

I snatch my glass from Wade and clink it with hers, swallowing the last little bit. Bret has no idea what is in store for him.

“You,” I raise my glass to him, “have good taste in friends.”


I Want You to be Rough

DON’T LAY MY body in the cold dark earth

Scatter me among the trees and stars

So I can look down and see you again

Don’t be afraid of the dark

Because I am alone without you

I woke up and the world was on fire

I fear we’ll never get back

What we once had

This void just gets bigger

In my heart

Just like last November

“YOU SHOULD COME inside,” Cash says from behind me and I close my notebook, sticking the pen inside. “It’s chilly.”

I frown, still looking out at the ocean from our balcony. We moved into Cash’s condo a while ago. It’s closer to the beach and to the record store.

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