Page 106 of Beautiful Lies

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When I pass Lewis’s office, the phone is to his ear and he’s leaning back in his chair. Stopping momentarily, I give him a goodbye salute and he nods back at me. He became an unlikely ally, but I always knew I could count on Lewis when the chips were down.

“Lunch Friday?” Miles points at me while the elevator doors open.

“Of course.”

“Don’t just say you’re going to keep in touch and then don’t,” he accuses.

“I won’t.”

“Okay, good.” Miles sighs as Wyatt rushes forward, grabbing the door and jumping on before it closes.

The elevator jars back into motion, and she turns to me. “Thank you,” she says.

“For what?” I ask, balancing the box on my knee to get a better grip.

“I got hired on permanently,” she beams. “I know it was you who gave me such a wonderful performance review, so thank you,” she nods.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say with a wink, knowing performance reviews are confidential, but what are they going to do, fire me?

Wyatt clears her throat. “I won’t let you down,” she says.

The elevator door opens and I step off, but Wyatt stays on, holding the door.

“Have your career, Wyatt, because you deserve it, but don’t forget to have a life too.” Wyatt tilts her head in question. “Eat the birthday cake, take that trip, sleep with the guy in IT,” I nod, causing her smile to widen.

“By the way,” I pull my laptop out of the box and hand it to her. “Can you give this to Mark in IT for me?”

She nods, letting the elevator doors close. Outside the building, I feel the spring heat against my skin, it takes a moment before I feel the weight lift off my shoulders. I thought the panic would hit me by now, but it doesn’t. I just feel free for the first time in my life, and that is entirely because of me, and not because of someone else.

There’s a nice breeze on the riverfront, and I walk along the path towards a small cafe calledBreakfast Club. Waiting for me outside at a table is Georgie. Setting down my box on the table unceremoniously, Georgie greets me with a hug.

“How do you feel?” she asks, still holding onto my arms.

“Nervous, but good,” I say, honestly.

Taking a seat, the waitress drops off water and I order a coffee and a muffin.

“There’s an opening at the clinic for a receptionist, but there’s room to grow. Our current office manager is a mess, but I think I can convince Dr. Stickuphisass to fire her.” Georgie talks a mile a minute and I feel out of breath just listening to her.

“Slow down there, tornado.” I hold my hand up.

Georgie takes a sip of her water. “First of all, I’m not looking for a new job just yet. Second, you know I can’t work around animals because I’ll want to take them all home, and third,” I pause, looking at Georgie suspiciously, “why would Dr. Stickuphisass fire someone foryou? I thought he didn’t like you?”

“Where’s my coffee?” She looks around for our waitress, obviously trying to avoid me.

“Georgie!” I demand, leaning over the table. “Please tell me you are not sleeping with your boss.”

“Okay, I willnottell you that I am sleeping with my boss,” she says robotically.

I lean back in my chair, stunned.

“Just once, and it was an accident…” she talks with her hands.

“How do youaccidentallysleep with your boss?” I roll my eyes.

Georgie shrugs. “I don’t really know, but it kinda felt like an accident.” She gives me a tight smile. “I dropped a tray of instruments, and one minute he was yelling at me, and the next I was naked on the examining table.”


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