Page 26 of Beautiful Lies

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“You know, we’re so excited to have Beth as part of the family. Ugh, Laura went through a bunch of duds before finding Beth. She really is the sweetest,” Ianna says, squeezing my arm.

I choke on the lettuce I just shoved into my mouth and Ianna smacks my back, ready to give me the Heimlich maneuver. I hold my hand up for her to stand down as I gather myself.

“I’m fine,” I say, still choking a little.

“Here’s some water,” she says, handing me a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Do you have anything stronger?” I clear my throat.

“We have some Prosecco and orange juice over there.” She points to the counter behind me with the champagne bottles lined up and orange juice on ice.

“Perfect.” I pour myself a glass and drop in a few raspberries because I still need to get in my daily serving of fruit, and if anyone says this doesn’t count, I will cut them.

Setting my half-eaten plate of lettuce on the counter, I excuse myself making my way down the hallway toward my niece, Ashley’s, room. It’s been a while since I’ve checked in on her.

Poking my head in, Ashley looks up from Noelle’s phone as they sit heads together, laughing about something. “Hi, Aunt Lake,” she smiles.

“You got braces,” I say, noticing the newly minted metal in her mouth.

“Last week,” she grumbles. “They’re not so bad though.”

Ashley takes after her dad, with her long thick blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her and Noelle look like two sides of a coin, one dark and one light.

Just when I’m about to ask how she’s been doing, Ianna interrupts letting us know the games are about to start.

Games,I mouth to Noelle with my eyebrows up in mock excitement. She scrunches her nose in distaste. I’m afraid Noelle got her antisocial behavior from me.

Ashley jumps off the bed. “Are you coming?” she asks Noelle who stares back blankly. “It’ll be fun,” Ashley begs. “Come on.”

There’s nothing like peer pressure to get you off your ass and do something you hate.

Reluctantly, Noelle slides off the bed and I follow them down the hall into the living room where Laura’s family and both her and my sister's friends are gathered on the couch. Ana, Laura’s younger sister who must be in her mid-thirties, and a very noticeable baby bump, starts passing out paper and giving everyone instructions.

There’s an empty folding chair next to the couch so I take it, crossing my legs and placing my hands in my lap while Noelle sits on the floor next to Ashley, who has her hands full with all the younger kids fighting each other to sit on her lap. Next to me is a pretty young woman I’ve never met before, so she must be one of Laura’s friends.

She leans over and whispers, “You didn’t get the memo either?”

Looking at her I’m confused for a moment, and then I realize we’re both wearing dark colors. She has on a heather gray tank top and jean shorts. Her dark hair is pulled up in a messy bun, revealing a row of trendy ear piercings.

“I’m not much of a pastel girl,” I admit.

“Me neither,” she laughs. “Taylor,” she introduces herself.

“Lake,” I reply, extending my hand.

“Bride or,” she falters, “Bride?” she laughs, not sure what to say.

“Bride,” I say, with a smile. “I’m Beth’s older sister,” I explain.

“And you?”

“I’m Adrian’s girlfriend,” she says.

“Adrian?” I ask, confused.

“Laura’s younger brother,” she explains further.

“There are more of them?” I say aloud, not meaning for it to sound negative, but how many fucking kids are there in this family? I knew of Laura, Ianna, and Ana, but I didn’t know there was a brother.

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