Page 29 of Beautiful Lies

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“It’s really beautiful.” As far as I can tell, he did a great job putting it in.

“I’ll pass on your information to him,” she says.

She’s trying to be nice, but I don’t want to take advantage. “If you’re sure,” I say.

“Sure about what?” Beth interjects, putting her arm around Laura’s waist as she joins us.

I’m struck by how much of a beautiful couple they make. Laura is demure and willowy with bleached-blonde hair and wide brown eyes. The beauty mark adjacent to her lip is strategically placed, giving her an eighties model vibe. She’s much too sweet and happy forourfamily, especially after meeting her sisters and parents. Not that Beth and I are overly jaded, but we know what it’s like to have a close family only to have it taken from us when our mother died. Family gatherings became a source of sadness, and we began to dread them because watching other people find joy can be painful.

After years of being in an unhappy marriage, it’s nice to see Beth finally in a place where she can start to enjoy holidays and family gatherings again, no matter how much it might sting a bit for me. I think losing our mother so young – even if our father tried hard to make up for our loss – we sought out the wrong kind of love, Beth with her ex-husband, and me with Noelle’s father.

“I’m going to give my dad your sister's information so he can give her an estimate on new flooring,” Laura explains.

“He did our house,” Beth confirms.

Our house.

“Great, it’s settled,” Laura beams.

“Thank you. That’s really nice of you,” I tell her. “Saves me having to try and find someone.”

“It was really good to see you.” Laura unlinks her arm from around Beth’s waist to give me a hug.

When she pulls away, she looks at Noelle. “Ugh, such a beauty,” she says, patting the side of her face before walking back to the party, leaving us with Beth.

Noelle looks like she’s withering beside me. “We better get going.”

“Thanks for coming,” Beth says and then leans in. “I see you got some birthday cake,” she teases, squeezing my arm.

Holding the plate of cake in the air I smile, hesitating for a moment as I take a good look at my sister. Finally, I say, “You look really happy, Beth.”

Her expression softens, the angular shape of her face changing. “I am.”

“If you need anything, let me know,” I remind her.

Holding the door for Noelle, she passes through, and my sister calls out behind us. “Don’t forget to be at the hotel on Friday at five for the rehearsal dinner. You are staying at the hotel, aren’t you?” she asks, expectantly.

I turn around and smile. “We’ll be there,” I say, walking backwards, the sun on my back.

“On time,” Beth adds sternly, looking at me pointedly.

“Yes, Mother,” I tease, cringing a little bit as I say it, but Beth doesn’t notice my little slip as she closes the front door.

Noelle and I walk down the sidewalk toward my car, and in the distance, I see Eric, Beth's ex-husband, walking towards us. The sight of him irritates me, and so does how he tries to use Ashley to get back at Beth. He sidesteps into the street when he notices me, probably remembering the last time we ran into each other.

“Eric,” I acknowledge him. “I see you still intimidate easily.”

He looks at me cautiously. “You know, Lake, I used to wonder why you didn’t have a husband, but I get it now.” Before he continues, he slides his eyes to Noelle, hesitating on what he really wants to say. “You could scare a Javelina with that attitude,” he says.

“Just the ones that don’t have balls,” I say with a sarcastic smile, and saunter down the sidewalk.

Noelle chuckles beside me until we reach the car and then she really lets loose.

“If I were a good mother, I would have just ignored him and gone on my way,” I say, regretting parking so far down, because the afternoon sun beating on us is unpleasant.

Noelle knits her eyebrows. “Don’t say that. You were just being honest.”

“Well, I shouldn’t besohonest around you,” I explain. “It’s just that Eric really gets on my nerves,” I admit as I turn towards her.
