Page 45 of Beautiful Lies

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Feeling his presence beside me, I say, “My sister’s gonna be pissed.” I let a laugh escape my lips knowing it won’t be funny to her at all.

“Rain is a sign of good luck on your wedding day in Romanian culture,” Adrian says in a deep throaty voice.

The rain slowly flattens his unruly locks, dampening his shirt and causing it to mold to the muscles of his chest. All I can think of is that night, how he grabbed onto my waist, pulling me into the alcove to keep me safe from the rain, and his fingers burning a hole right through my shirt… the exact same shirt I’m wearing right now. As the rain comes down, the same wild and destructive feeling courses through me, and the ache between my thighs betrays what I know is going to bring me down or break me in half.

In the soft brown hues of his eyes I can see myself being reflected back, because with him, I’m free to be whomever I want. There are no expectations, no pressure – just freedom.

There is a respectable distance between us, but the space feels crowded and the air heavy when he says, “You like to be in control.” It’s as if he sees right through me.

I just stare at him, unblinking. He tilts his head to the side with a cocky grin and asks, “Wouldn’t it be nice to just let go?”

Wouldn’t it be nice to just let go?That sentence hangs like a dangling carrot in the space between us. Every aspect of my life is controlled by obligation and responsibility which I have wholeheartedly accepted, and the only time I have ever strayed is when I was with him. For once, I don’t want to be the one in control, or the person everyone counts on. The pressure can be stifling, just like summer in Phoenix.

The rain falls harder as big fat drops land on my face and arms, plastering my shirt further to my body. His eyes travel from the rain falling off my chin to my hardening nipples under my shirt from the cool rain. Maybe I want to lose control, but I will make him work for it.

Leaning towards him so I can whisper in his ear, I say, “I don’t think you’d know what to do with me, little boy, if I really let go.”

When I pull away I notice the heat in his eyes, the piece of him that wants to find out if it’s true, right here in this courtyard. My skin prickles with excitement at the chase, even if I’m flirting with danger. One night with him wasn’t enough.

There’s a squeal in the distance that pulls my attention away from him, and I look across the courtyard to see my sister running towards us as if she’s trying to dodge the rain.

“Why are you just standing in the rain, Lake?” she asks, holding a jacket over her head. If she’s suddenly aware that Adrian is standing next to me, she looks between the two of us, faltering. “I’m getting married today!” she yells.

Adrian chuckles while running a hand through his damp hair, and I leave him in the courtyard while I follow my sister towards her room. When I glance over my shoulder at him, he’s still standing in the rain, watching me leave.

Florina walks towards us down the long row of rooms under the overhang. Her cheeks are red, as she raises her arms to give Beth a kiss on the cheek. “It’s good luck,” she says, pointing to the rain.

Beth looks out at the courtyard and sighs. “It’s going to ruin my hair.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine, Beth,” I try to reassure her.

When we enter the room, Noelle is sitting on the bed opposite of Ashley. She perks up when I hand her the cup of coffee which is no longer piping hot.

“You look like a drowned rat,” Noelle says, taking the cup from me.

“Thanks,” I say mockingly while leaning down to give Ashley a kiss on the top of her head. “Hey, sweetie,” I say, and she smiles up at me. Both girls are still in their pajamas, but their hair and makeup are done.

The room is loud and obnoxious as it fills up with Beth’s friends and some of Laura’s family who are no doubt making their way back and forth from Laura’s room.

“How was your night?” I ask Noelle, plopping down on the bed next to her. Reaching out, I pull a piece of her long brown hair over her shoulder, admiring the beautiful curls.

“I’m now fluent in Romanian,” she jokes and Ashley sniggers.

My phone vibrates and I pull it from my wet pocket, trying to dry it off with the edge of my shirt but it’s no use.

G: Um, did you forget someone?

L: Shit

“I’ll be right back, I need to grab Georgie and get the rest of my stuff from the room,” I explain to Noelle and pass Beth on my way out. “I’ll be right back,” I say to her.

“I missed you, kid.” I blow a kiss to Noelle and then look teasingly at Beth adding, “I had to sleep next to your aunt and it was not pleasant,” I say, giving my sister the evil eye but she’s not paying attention to me.

Exiting the room, I get only a few feet from the room when Beth calls my name. She lets the door close behind her, a serious expression on her face. She’s pissed at me about something, and I know I’m in for a lecture, I just don’t know what for.

“He’s going to be my brother-in-law,” she says in an ominous tone, causing my stomach to drop. Finding it hard to believe Adrian would tell his sister about me, the fact remains that I don’t really know him.

My lack of response prompts her to continue. “I saw the two of you in the courtyard,” Beth says.
