Page 52 of Beautiful Lies

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“It was a really fun wedding,” she says with her eyes closed and her lips puckered.

“It was,” I say, and tuck the blankets further around her.

Looking over at the other bed, I know it’s empty because I don’t hear Georgie snoring. She must have stayed at the reception after I took my dad back to his room. The door opens, a stream of light from the outside lamp streaks across the darkened room, and the door crashes into the wall.

“Shit, sorry,” Georgie whispers, as she closes the door gently behind her while she tiptoes into the room.

Noelle sits up, looking at me. “Can you tell your friend this isn’t a sorority house?” she says, annoyed.

“Look, kid,” Georgie says as she plops down on her bed. “Us adults,” she motions to me, “don’t have a curfew.”

Noelle scoffs and flops back onto her pillow.

“Maybe you need to live a little, Noelle. You’re gonna be an adult soon.” I hear her shoes hit the floor.

“Don’t give my kid advice when you’re drunk,” I scold, jokingly.

“I’m not drunk,” Georgie argues as she unzips her dress, letting it fall to the floor while she crawls into bed in just her bra and underwear.

I snort laugh.

“Okay, maybe a little.” I hear her fluff the pillow.

“Just go to sleep. We have to check out in the morning,” I warn her.

“I can’t just fall asleep on command,” Georgie says, and I can hear her shuffling around in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position.

Noelle turns over and pulls the blanket over her head, groaning. Georgie hooks her thumb in Noelle’s direction. “Lightweight,” she whispers as I laugh.

Noelle rips the blanket from over her head. “I’m seventeen and I’m more mature than you,” she yells back.

In the shadowy darkness of the room, I can see Georgie mocking her. “I swear sometimes I feel like I have two kids instead of one,” I grumble.

“Hey!” Georgie complains and pops her head up.

“Just go to sleep,” Noelle demands, and the room becomes eerily quiet.

Muffled voices outside the room fade away as guests pass through the courtyard, and I settle into the bed further, even though I’m not tired. My mind won’t shut off as I go through the events of the evening, Adrian’s hand palming my ass, pushing my dress around my waist, and fucking me in the bathroom. Maybe I should regret it because this is leading nowhere, but I don’t.

I had sex in a fucking bathroom, and it was good.


From the other side of the room I hear Georgie snoring, so I turn over on my back, shoving the extra pillow over my face.



Lie to Me by Tate McRae & Ali Gatie

“Those mattresses are really comfortable,” Georgie says, as she reaches over me to grab the creamer.

“I’m gladsomeoneslept well,” I grumble, taking my cup back to the table.

Unable to fall asleep because of her snoring, when I finally did I was restless, and now I’m paying for it. Taking a seat next to Noelle who is effectively blocking us out by having her earbuds in, she’s engrossed in watching something on her phone. She crosses her long legs and dangles her flip flop precariously from her toe as she wiggles her foot.

“Maybe you should have drunk more, it would have knocked you out,” Georgie laughs, spreading cream cheese on her bagel.
