Page 68 of Beautiful Lies

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“Is that right?” he smirks causing the dimples to appear more prominently on his cheeks.

“Because I want you to do those things to me,” I whisper in his ear, working past my vulnerability.

He kisses me while gathering my hair in his fist and breathing me in. I can’t help but like the possessive way he handles me, as if I belong to him. “I want you to know how much I want you,” he says back.

Remembering the dirty texts he sent me the other day, I push my hand against his chest and then smack him playfully. “That’s for disrupting my Board meeting.” I smack him again and his chest shakes with laughter.

“Did I distract you?” he asks smiling smugly, and I either want to kiss him or slap him.

“That was not funny,” I say angrily, pushing at him playfully until he wraps an arm under my ass, hoisting me over his shoulder effortlessly.

“Adrian!” I yell as I’m being carried out of the bar like a spoiled child while customers stare after me, seemingly enjoying the entertainment. “You put me down right now!”

Feeling his body shake with laughter, it just angers me even more. I kick my legs until we’re on the sidewalk and he sets me down. Stumbling backwards and smoothing out my hair, trying to regain my dignity.

“I am an adult!” I declare and stomp my foot on the concrete.

“I am well aware of that.” Adrian rubs at his chin while watching me make even more of a spectacle on the sidewalk.

“For God’s sake,” I grumble, making sure my shirt is smoothed out.

“Are you done?” Adrian asks and I narrow my eyes at him, my body instantly betraying me because if he can pick me up that easily, fucking me against the wall of his apartment is definitely something I do not want to miss out on.

We stand on the sidewalk staring at each other until he reaches out for my hand that I reluctantly let him have, and we walk towards his apartment.

“Just so you know, I’m not a fucking groupie,” I say, shaking out my hair and tossing the part to the side haughtily.

* * *

Crazy by Aerosmith

Knowing exactlywhy I came here tonight, nervous energy swirls between us and drips off me like sweat. By the time we get to his apartment complex, I can feel my shirt already sticking to my body.

The buildings open to a walkway that leads to the dark pool that’s closed for the night. I stare at the water wondering what it would be like to jump in and cool my heated skin. Adrian stops in front of the gate, his thumb brushing over my taut nipple, causing a shiver to run down my body. The complex is quiet, the only sound coming from cars passing on the nearby street and the kick of an a/c unit turning on.

“Next time,” Adrian says, looking at the water as he takes my hand again, leading me towards his apartment.

“How did you know what I was thinking?” I ask once we get to his door and I lean against the wall.

“I’m very observant,” he says, pulling the keys from his pocket and unlocking the door.

We slip inside and the cool air from the a/c is a welcomed reprieve from the sweltering night air. Feeling the sweat drip between my breasts from the walk over, I wish I’d brought something to freshen up with. Adrian flicks on the light, and this time I take my time looking around his apartment. The same colorful print hangs in the hallway over the side table where Adrian tosses his keys into a glass bowl.

I don’t know what it is about this print that moves me so much. Maybe it’s the colors or the context of falling feathers turning black once they hit the ground, feeling as if it’s a metaphor for something I’m not privy to yet, but seems so very familiar. It’s as if I was once that colorful and vibrant, but with every passing year, I lost a feather, and they all hit the ground until there was nothing left of me.

Walking further into his apartment, Adrian excuses himself, exiting into the bedroom while I make my way over to his bookshelves on the far wall, sliding my fingers over the album sleeves and smiling while I pluck one from its place and set it on the record player. The needle skips, emanating a scratching sound through the speakers before settling into the opening chords to Crazy byAerosmith. At the patio doors, I open the blinds to look out at the star littered sky.

Through the glass, I see his reflection as he approaches; bare feet against the wood planks, ripped jeans sitting low on his waist, and no shirt showing off that deliciously cut V. My body, already anticipating his touch, hums like the engine of a car. When he reaches me, his knuckles start at the top between my shoulder blades and slowly make their way to the small of my back where he gathers my shirt in his hands and lifts it from my body. As he does this, Steven Tyler’s voice becomes background noise. Reaching behind me, I lean my head against his shoulder, sinking my fingers into his lush hair.

“You have great taste in music,” he groans, unhooking my bra and letting it fall to the floor at my feet. He presses a kiss below my earlobe while his hands cup my breasts and make their way down my body.

Leaning forward, I press my palms to the glass as one of his hands slides beneath the waistband of my shorts, sliding over my panties. I feel like I’m underwater fighting against a current, and I get a moment where I can fill my lungs with air before his finger slips inside me and I’m pushed back under. Riveted by our reflection in the glass, I’m mesmerized by his hooded eyes, the way his nostrils flare, and the way his lips part the moment his finger dips inside of me. All this time I thought I was the one who couldn’t get enough, that the mere thought of him could bring me to a place of no return, but I was wrong. Watching him in the glass, I see the reflection of a man who is drunk on me, and it is the most powerful – and the most dangerous – feeling in the world.

Tilting my head towards him, I seek out his mouth needing more of him. Our breaths mingle and I reach back again to push my fingers through his hair, holding his mouth to mine. My body goes weak while his fingers run through my slickness, circling my clit in the most tantalizing way.

Pulling away, I open my eyes to him as he tries to capture my lips again, but I stay out of reach just wanting to watch him. His brown eyes flare when he can’t have what he wants, and his fingers work me harder. My eyes flutter, threatening to shut. Once again, he tries to capture my lips, but I hold him back from kissing me. I want to feel everything, not drown out the world around me with his kiss. Most of all, I want him to know what it feels like to not get what he wants so easily.

Moving out of his grasp, I turn around, pressing my back against the glass and I watch as he stands before me with hooded eyes that flick down to watch as I unzip my shorts, pushing them past my hips and letting them fall down my legs. They rake over my stomach to the lacy white underwear I so carefully selected for tonight. The material barely covers my front and even less of my ass.

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