Page 70 of Beautiful Lies

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Adrian nods, satisfied with my excuse. As I pass by, he stops me by touching my arm. His thumb skims over my wrist and I pull away. The tender gesture feels too personal, and it sounds silly in my head after what we just did, but I can’t explain how it makes me feeltoo much.

“Adrian?” I start to say but he cuts me off as if he knows what I’m going to say.

“Admit that was fun,” he says, causing me to smile, the meaning not lost on me.

All of this will end whenit’s not fun anymore.

He pulls me against his body as I kiss him goodbye, still tasting myself on his tongue and it makes me ache.

“You should definitely leave,” he whispers against my lips before kissing me again, using my own words against me.

His fingers find their way into my already messy hair that I didn’t even bother to try and comb out in his bathroom. If I had looked at myself in the mirror, I don’t know if I would like what I see.

“Please leave,” he says, smiling smugly.

I push at his chest teasingly. “Don’t be a fucking asshole, Corvin.”

The smile on his face could melt ice. “Hold on,” he says, jogging into his bedroom and then coming out with his shirt on, sliding his feet into his shoes by the door.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I’m not letting you walk all the way back to your car alone,” he explains while grabbing his keys from the glass bowl in the hallway.

“I’m a big girl,” I say. “Besides, I got back to my car just fine the first time.”

“That’s only because you snuck out,” he says, narrowing his eyes at me.

It’s not that the neighborhood is bad. In fact, it’s a pretty nice area of Tempe, but the bars are nearby. Alcohol and society in general don’t mix, even in nice neighborhoods.

That’s why I concede, letting him walk me out of his apartment and down to the parking lot where I stand in front of a motorcycle. Correction, in front of something that looks like a rocket on wheels.

“Where’s your truck?” I ask, looking around the dark lot.

“It’s at my shop. I ride my bike to and from work,” Adrian explains.

“Well, I’m not getting on that.” I point to the bike sitting in the parking spot in front of us.

“What’s wrong with my bike?” Adrian laughs, leaning against it.

I must admit he looks pretty damn good next to that bike, but he’s high if he thinks I’m getting on the back of it.

“Where do I even begin?” I shake my head looking at the small leather seat. “Can two people fit on that?” I scoff. “No, just no,” I protest.

Adrian pushes off from the bike and takes my hand. “Then I’ll walk you to your car.”

“You’ll have to walk back home alone, you know,” I tell him, as he holds my hand while we walk through the apartment complex and out onto the sidewalk of the nearly deserted street.

“I’m a big boy, despite what you think,” he winks.

“It’s fine if you walk home alone but I can’t walk to my car by myself?”

“I’m a man.”

“You realize how sexist that sounds?” I ask, annoyed.

“I do, even though I have no doubt you can scare the shit out of some unsuspecting mugger.”

I sniff, tilting my chin in the air as we continue to walk down the block towards my car.
