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“Mia. She might have complained to me once or twice or five times about how busy you’ve been. But it’s great that you have time to spend with her now. You should really cherish all your time with her.” He gives me a smile, but I see the pain in his eyes.

I rest my hand on his shoulder. “Sorry you couldn’t spend more time with your sister. But she’s still with you. All the time. That’s what my dad told me when his grandma died when I was little. I don’t remember her well, but I know I took her death hard. It was the first time I lost someone. I know it’s not the same as your sister’s death, but…”

He removes one hand from the steering wheel and clutches mine. “Losing the people we love is hard. Doesn’t matter if it happened ten years ago or two days ago.”

“True, but the passing of time does make things a little easier.”

He nods. “I don’t want to ever forget Bri, but I know I won’t feel so lost and alone forever. I’ll move on, maybe get married one day. Have a kid and name her after my sister.”

“I know she’d love that.”

He gives me a pained smile.

We pull up before the school building, get out of the car, and walk toward the entrance with our fingers interlocked. Just like the previous times, heads turn in our direction. You’d think the kids would move on to another piece of gossip, but nope. Looks like Colt and I are still the stars of the reality show that is Edenbury High.

Before we part ways in the hallway, he tells me he’ll catch me later. We hug goodbye and he walks off to his friends and I go meet mine at Chloe’s locker.

We talk about different topics, specifically how excited we are for book club after school, when I feel a presence behind me. Turning around, I spot Paisley standing there. Odd, she’s alone this time. Where are her minions?

She glares at me, slamming her hands on her hips. “Your app’s stupid,” she snarls. “It doesn’t work.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, it does. It matched quite a few couples already.”

She glances at my friends. “Who? Your loser friends? Well, duh it would match them. You probably told it to do that.”

“The word is ‘coded it.’ And no, I didn’t. They matched because my app works.”

Her eyes turn hard. “No. Your app is broken. It didn’t match me with anyone.”

I sigh in annoyance. “Maybe there’s no one out there for you.”

Her eyes widen and her lower lip trembles. “What? There’s no one for me? I’m going to be alone all my life? Or I’ll marry someone wrong for me and I’ll be stuck in a loveless marriage like my p….I mean….” She whimpers. “Are you saying no one will love me?”

I sigh again. “That’s not what I’m saying. The app doesn’t match you with your soulmate. I mean, itcanif your soulmate goes here and has downloaded the app.” Like my friends and their guys.

“So what does it do?”

“It matches you with someone who might turn out to be your soulmate. Not many kids are looking for long-term relationships in high school. Many just want to date and my app can help them find the right person.”

Her eyebrows furrow. “So no one wants to date me? No guy here is compatible with me? Did I use the app wrong? It’s your fault because you made something so stupid.”

I need to keep my cool and be the bigger person. “Maybe your potential date hasn’t downloaded the app yet. Give it time. I’m sure you’ll get a match soon.”

She steps closer to me, eyes narrowed. “I’d better. Because if I’m the only one here left without a match, I’ll…”

I move closer. “You’ll what? Throw your pom-poms at me?”

She snickers.

“Go away, Paisley,” Ava says, waving her hand like she’s swatting a pesky fly. “I think you’re lost without your so-called friends backing you up.”

Paisley glares at her. Then she faces me. “Just because you’re dating Colton, it doesn’t mean you’re better than the rest of us. You’re a loser and you’ll always be a loser.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I scoff. “I’m exactly where I want to be.”

She humphs, tosses her hair, and stomps away.

“Ugh, can you believe her?” Lily grumbles. “Demanding a match like that? She’d be lucky if she even matches with anyone.”
