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“This is Colton Andersen,” I tell him. “My friend from school. Colt, this is myharabeoji. My grandfather.”

Colt marches over to his desk and holds out his hand. “Annyeonghaseyo. Pleased to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from Willow. You and your wife and Asher’s grandmother were so brave to leave your home in South Korea and move to a new country, starting from scratch. I find that very inspiring.”

Harabeoji studies him closely as he shakes his hand, then smiles at me. “I like him,” he tells me in Korean. “Seems like an upstanding young man.”

“He’sjusta friend, Harabeoji,” I respond in Korean. “And he’s uncomfortable when we speak a foreign language in front of him.”

Harabeoji nods and says in English, “So, Colt, have you had Korean food before?”

They speak for a bit, and I can’t help but watch Colt as he converses with Harabeoji. He’s so charismatic and carries himself like he has all the confidence in the world, but I know how insecure and hurt he felt years ago. He got used to putting up a facade, though. Maybe faked it until he made it? But as I watch him, I have the feeling he’s not putting up a facade now. He’s genuinely comfortable in front of my grandfather and is being his true self. And I love seeing the person he is on the inside shine on the outside.

I freeze again. Did I just think love and Colt in the same sentence? As friends. Friends,friends, friends.

“I definitely will,” Colt is saying. “And I would love to say hello to your wife and thank her for her food.”

Harabeoji chuckles. “That’s kind, but you should probably eat first before you thank her.”

Colt shakes his head. “The delicious smell reminds me of all the times I ate here and how incredible the food was. I want to thank her before I eat and after.”

Harabeoji shoots me another look, like he once again approves of Colt. Not that it means anything because Colt and I arefriends.

“Okay, let’s say hi to Halmeoni,” I say.

The restaurant isn’t so busy today, so Halmeoni and the rest of the kitchen staff aren’t scrambling to fulfill orders. As soon as she sees me walk in, she drops whatever she’s preparing, bolts over, and yanks me into her arms. “Annyeonghaseyo, my precious granddaughter,” she says in Korean. “What a nice surprise. I have missed you so much!”

“Me, too, Halmeoni.” I smile as I melt into her arms. There’s nothing like getting a massive hug from your halmeoni.

“Who’s your friend?” she asks in English.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Colton,” he says. “Sorry, that’s all the Korean I know. Did I pronounce it right?”

“Perfect,” Halmeoni tells him with a large smile. Colt sighs in relief, like he didn’t want to offend us by pronouncing the words wrong. Of course I wouldn’t have held it against him, but it was so sweet of him to want to get it right.

Some of the kitchen staff take a break from what they’re doing and tune in to the conversation. From the looks on their faces, they’re all very eager to hear if the dude standing in the kitchen holds significant meaning to me.

“He’s just a friend from school,” I say.

Halmeoni frowns, and I catch some of the other kitchen staff frowning, too, and then go back to work. I’ve been calling Colt my “friend” and not my “boyfriend” because I don’t want to lie to my grandparents. After all, he and I will go our separate ways in two weeks and there’s no point lying to them.

Although…why does a part of me—okay, alargepart of me—wish he was my boyfriend? Myrealboyfriend.

I blink those thoughts away. He likes Vanessa. The only reason he agreed to the fake relationship was because he wants to get back together with his ex. Starting to have these unwarranted feelings is not only illogical, but a total waste of time.

“Right, Willow?” Colt asks.

I space back in. “What?”

“I was just telling your grandmother…uh, you’re halm…?”


“Right. I was telling your halmeoni how excited I am to eat her delicious food. I always leave Ji-Ho’s so stuffed, I feel like a whale.”

Halmeoni grins. “I’m glad. Because here at Ji-Ho’s, we love to stuff our guests.”

“Honestly, my stomach is crying for food,” Colt admits with a laugh.

Halmeoni waves at me. “Don’t let the poor boy starve, Willow,” she says in Korean. “Go to a table and let me feed you guys!”
