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With another sigh, I get up and drop down next to her. She wraps her arms around me and kisses my temple. “So you and Colton are fake dating.”


Now she sighs. “You know how I feel about fake relationships. I wasn’t on board when Kara agreed to fake date Brayden. Especially because she was secretly in love with him. Fake relationships only cause heartaches.”

“But none of us liked each other. It was supposed to help my app.”

I tell her how horrible it was in the beginning because no one downloaded it and that Colt agreed to help. I don’t mention that the reason he was on board was because he wanted to get back together with his ex. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t like that.

Nothing gets by her, though. “What did he hope to gain by it?” she asks.

I shrug. “I think he just likes the attention. You know, being in the spotlight.”

She frowns like she knows I’m lying.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway,” I say. “My app’s a mess.”

Shock takes over her face. “What do you mean your app’s a mess?

With another sigh, I tell her what went down in school today, though of course I don’t tell her that I skipped class.

Mom releases a breath. “I suppose you didn’t think it through. Maybe your app would be more appropriate for adults and not high school kids. Kids should enjoy being kids and not worry about long-term relationships.”

“You’re right. But it’s okay. Colt is helping me fix it.”

“Colt. The guy you were matched with, huh? Yourfake boyfriend. Maybe the guy who doesn’tfeellike your fake boyfriend?”

I groan and am about to get up, but she tightens her hold on me.

“Don’t even think about it, Willow Park. This is a conversation you can’t avoid.” She plays with my hair. “I know how you feel because I felt the same way when I had feelings for Dad. I didn’t think I wanted or needed love. I didn’t think I’d ever have a relationship. But then your stubborn father refused to leave me alone.” She laughs softly, her eyes growing unfocused like she traveled to the past. She sighs happily. “He really was so freakin’ stubborn.”

“He says the same thing about you.”

She laughs again. “Yeah, it’s true. But if you’re anything like me, and I know that you are, you’re telling yourself that you don’t have feelings for Colton.” She pokes my shoulder. “There’s no use lying to yourself.”

“Who says I’m lying to myself?”

“I definitely felt the sparks.”

I cover my face. “Not true.”

“Totally true.”

“But he has Van—I mean, he’s part of the popular crowd. Why would he go for me?”

“Why wouldn’t he? You’re smart and beautiful and kind. Any guy would be lucky to be with you.”

“You’re just saying that because you’re my mom.”

“I’m saying it because it’s the truth. Look, sweetie.” She lowers her arm from around me and faces me. “You’re still young. You don’t have to jump into anything. But if you do have feelings for this young man, don’t push them away. I know it’s scary and you’d rather hide behind your computer. I felt the same way. But can you imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t taken that step and given your dad a chance? I would have missed out on a wonderful life with an amazing man.”

“And Mia and I wouldn’t be born.”

“Exactly. Opening my heart to love changed my life. It changedme. I’m not saying the same thing will happen to you—I want you to live your own life and have your own experiences—but I think you should give it a shot because you never know what could happen.”

She’s right, of course. As scary as it is, one needs to put herself out there, and even put her heart at risk, for a chance at happiness. But that would be okay if Colt was actually single. He’s not. And my stupid app should have matched him with the girl he really wants and not me. Then I wouldn’t be losing my mind.

Mom kisses my forehead before getting up. “I’ll leave you to your thoughts. You know where to find me if you want to talk. And remember, Willow. Don’t be afraid to explore what could be with a special person.”
