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Noah: I swear, if I’m late because of you…

Noah: Evie freaking Hastings! There are seven minutes before school starts. Your butt better be in your car or I’ll...

Noah: I should have walked. That’s what I get for relying on you.


Geez Louise. I respond to his text as I fly out of my house.

Evie: Will you calm down? I’m on my way.

Noah: On your way when there are five minutes to class????

Evie: We’ll make it

He only lives a few blocks away. When I pull up before his house, he’s pacing outside, running his hands through his sandy brown hair like a madman.

As soon as he hears the car, he dashes to the passenger door and yanks it open. “I swear, Evie…” He gets in and buckles up. “If I’m late, I’m going to kill you.”

I scoff. “Maybe you should be late. That stick is too far up your butt.” I press on the gas.

He glares at me. “Don’t speed. The last thing we need is to be stopped by a cop.” He kicks something at his feet. “My gosh, do you ever clean this place? It’s a pigsty.”

“The Evie Mobile is perfect just the way she is.”

He dips his head as far as it can go and scans the floor. “Wrappers and take-out containers? Papers and cups and plastic utensils and…is that your math test from last year?”

“Oh, so that’s where it is. My teacher docked some points because I was supposed to get it signed. How silly is it to get a 92% signed by a parent? Some teachers are ridiculous.”

He just gapes at me. “You know who is ridiculous? You.”

I roll my eyes. “And here it comes.”

“Why are you such a mess? You haven’t cleaned your car since your parents bought it for you. Am I right?”

I shrug. “So?”

“And look at you. Do you know there’s paint all over your face and shirt?”

I shrug again. “I didn’t have time to change.”

“Sitting in this car is making me sick.”

“You’d better puke out the window. One thing I won’t tolerate in my car is puke.”

He huffs and slams his back against the seat. “I should have caught a ride with Mateo or Wyatt.”

“So why didn’t you?” I demand. I seriously don’t need his nagging this early in the morning. Or ever.

“Because they’re driving their girlfriends to school. My luck that my car broke down this morning and not last night. I would have made other plans.”

“Trust me. That would have made both of us happier.”

He grumbles and slams his arms across his chest, staring out the window. I can hear him seething. The dude seriously needs to lighten up. I’ve known him since before we could speak and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him laugh in…years. How could someone live like that?

Neither of us says anything as I drive us to school, which suits us just fine. I’m not one for small talk, and having a conversation with Noah? Ha. I’d rather take five extra tests.

“Finally.” He unbuckles his seatbelt before I even glide into an empty parking space, one of the only available ones left in the student lot. The tires barely screech to a halt, and he’s already shoving the door open and slamming it shut behind him.
