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Hey, is Katie single? So freakin’ hot!

And of course there are the nasty comments that Phoenix immediately deletes. All these comments…I don’t know how it doesn’t make her head spin. Because it feels like mine’s about to roll off my neck.

Phoenix giggles as she squeezes me closer to her. “Katie’s still a little camera shy. But we love having her here, don’t we?” She nudges me with her shoulder. “Say something.”


OMG, so jealous of your friendship! Wish I had a best friend like yours.

Katie is adorable! Don’t be shy, Katie. We love you!

I came here to watch a hot chick play video games. So stop your yapping and play!

“Uh, excuse me, Smellysox,” Phoenix says. “Yes, I called you out. My stream isn’t about a ‘hot chick’ playing video games. It’s so much more than that. So if you don’t like it, get the heck out.” She rolls her eyes with a groan. “Anyway, we’ll let Katie go so she can practice for her audition. But you’ve got nothing to worry about, bestie. You’ve got it in the bag.”

I doubt that, because nothing is sure in theater. I can practice my lips off and still not get the role. But Mom always told me to be positive. That I should face a situation with raised shoulders. But it was so much easier to do that when she was alive. This is the first audition I’ll have without her…and I feel so lost.

“Bye, guys.” I wave with both hands. “Thanks so much for your support.”

“Yeah, I know you guys are sad to see her go. But let’s get back to the game! Who’s ready to kick some more zombie butt?”

I’m about to return to my bed, when I notice that Phoenix left the shade up. I walk over and reach for the chord to close it, then realize the other window is wide open. While the air conditioner is on. Ugh, I must have forgotten to close it.

I make my way over and shut it, then reach to pull the chord, and that’s when I notice one of the guys standing in the room across from mine. It’s the lankier twin, with the long hair. His head immediately snaps in my direction, his eyes zeroing in on me. Releasing a silent yelp, I pull the cord and slam the shade shut.

I slap my forehead. Shoot, shoot, shoot! What the heck did I just do? How rude was that? I justclosedthe shade on my new neighbor’s face. I reach to open it, but no…that would be even weirder. Ugh! Now he’ll think I’m being unneighborly.

But I can’t worry about that now. I need to focus on my audition. I get back on the bed and continue memorizing the song, my eyes creeping toward the closed shade every few minutes.

I’m the worst.
