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I get to my feet. “I’m heading out.”

All four of them stare at me. I know I’m acting weird. And it’s not only because of the breakup. I guess I’m not really sure who I am. I got to where I’ve always wanted to be and I should be happy. What exactly is my problem?

I’ve never felt like this before.

Owen stands, placing his hand on my back. “We’re worried about you, man. You’re all quiet and moody.”

I give him a look. “Did you just call me moody?”

He shrugs, holding up his hands. “My bad. I meant brooding. You’ve broken up with girls before and never acted like this.”

I know, but I gave so much of myself to Vanessa. Maybe that’s the problem. Getting hurt isn’t fun, but the worst part is that she doesn’t seem to care about me at all.

Why am I so hung up on her when she doesn’t give two craps about me?

Man, I’m pathetic.

Am I wrong that she’s the perfect girl for me? Is there someone else out there?

“See you guys later.” I slap each of my friends’ hands and make my way out of the diner and into my car.

I put on music so I won’t think about Vanessa. Maybe the guys are right. Maybe I should forget about her and move on. Find someone else. Or just be single for a little while.

The house is dark and quiet when I walk in. Not that I expect anything else. Dad’s either still at the office or somewhere else. Somewhere that isn’t here.

After dumping my school things in the kitchen, I go to the freezer for something to eat. Dad doesn’t cook, so it’s frozen meals every night.

I heat up some pizza and eat it as I scroll through the school app. Man, this thing is a joke. Whoever programmed it had no idea what they were doing. I heard that Willow Park maintains it, but I think it’s broken beyond repair. The thing needs an overhaul.

As I sit alone eating my food, I think back to years ago, to a time when all four of us sat at the dinner table—like a normal family. Mom and Dad at the front, their hands clasped as they smiled at one another. Dad would compliment her on her delicious food and she’d blush and try to shake it off. But he’d keep shooting her compliments. Bri would be sitting across from me, rolling her green eyes at how lame our parents were. And me—seven years younger than her—would giggle because I thought my sister was the most amazing person in the world.

Then everything changed.

I make a face at the food, not interested in eating anymore. Thinking about the past always makes me lose my appetite.

Maybe it’s hard for me to let Vanessa go because I’m so lonely. I want to be close to someone, to be truly happy again. Not just happy on the outside.

I go to my room to do my homework. It takes me only an hour, since homework is a piece of cake for me. Then I turn on my laptop and continue working on my game. I’ve been at it for a little while now and it’s coming along nicely. It’s an adventure game, one Bri started a few years ago. I vowed to finish it for her, but man this thing needs a lot of work.

I’m not exactly sure what I’ll do with it once it’s complete, but I feel a connection to her. After all, she was the one who taught me all about coding. Got me into gaming, too.

I don’t know how much time passes before I hear the front door open. I guess Dad’s home.

Footsteps sound outside my room, and for a second, I wonder if he’ll come in. Maybe ask me about my day. But he heads to his room down the hall.

My chest deflates. I don’t know why I thought he’d want to have a conversation with the only child he has left.

I wait a bit, hoping my dad will actually be a dad to me. But since that doesn’t happen, I sigh and get to my feet.

Leaving my room, I make my way to Dad’s. His door is slightly open and I see him pulling off his suit jacket and tie and tossing them on the bed. Then he sits down, burying his face in his hands.

Dad owns one of the top shoe companies in Georgia. He works many hours, travels a lot, and pretty much dedicates his entire being to his job.

I think he’s happy to travel so he doesn’t have to deal with everything that happened.

I tap my knuckles on the door. “Dad?”

He glances up at me with tired green eyes. “Colton.”
