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“Waffles, please.”

Mia watches me closely.

“What?” I ask her, taking a sip of my juice.

“You’re smiling more than usual,” she observes.

“Oh...really?” I casually lift my fork and study it. “Nothing major happened. Just a certain person finished her app last night.”

Dad whirls around. “You finished? That’s great!”

“Really?” Mia’s brown eyes get so huge they nearly take over her face. “Does this mean you’ll have more time to hang out with me?”

I ruffle her hair. “You bet!”

She beams like she just won her dream role.

“So what happens next?” Dad asks as he places waffles before me.

“Thanks. They look amazing.” I dig in, and after swallowing I tell him what I hope to expect in the upcoming weeks.

He smiles before kissing the top of my head. “I hope everything works out. I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.”


After we finish our waffles, the three of us head to the car. On the way to Edenbury Elementary School, Mia gushes about her audition this weekend. Mom and Dad have finally lifted her punishment, but she’s still going to help out at the restaurant to learn responsibility and discipline. And because Halmeoni and Harabeoji love having us kids around.

Dad gives her some pointers. Since I’m useless in this area, I keep quiet and listen. Even though acting is not my thing, I find the whole process fascinating. How my sister is brave enough to go on audition after audition and not get discouraged when she doesn’t book? That’s so impressive. I guess she has both Mom and Dad’s stubbornness.

And yes, I suppose I have the same stubbornness, too. That’s the only reason I didn’t quit my app. Because I came close like ten times. But now it’s done and it’s perfect!

“Impeccable.” Dad beams with pride, his eyes glistening. “That audition will knock them out of the park.” He kisses the top of Mia’s head. “Don’t obsess over it, okay? Focus on school. Because you know the rules. You can only pursue acting as long as you have good grades.”

“I know.” We reach her school and she hugs me. “Good luck with your app, Willow. I hope everyone likes it.”

“Thanks.” I squeeze her tightly, not realizing until this moment how much I need the hug. Gosh, I can’t remember being this nervous before. Mia is so sweet for noticing. “Have fun at school.”

“Thanks!” She hops out of the car and runs over to her friends, Rylee Barrington, Chloe’s little sister, and Zoey Hastings, Lily and Liam’s cousin. They squeal and exchange hugs before running up the stairs and into the school.

Dad smiles at me through the rearview mirror. “They remind me of you and your friends at that age.”

“They do?”

“Sure. The five of you were always inseparable.”

My lips lift in a grin as I watch them disappear into the school. I hope the three of them remain best friends forever, just like my friends and me.

Dad and I talk about my app as he drives me to the high school. As much as I want to gush about it, I’m still super nervous and don’t want to jinx anything. You never know if an app will take off. I’ll be super disappointed if it doesn’t work out because I spent so much time on it, put all my blood, sweat, and tears into it.

“Have a great day at school, Willow,” Dad says. “And good luck with the app.”

“Thanks.” I wave before entering the building and find my friends and the guys gathered at Chloe’s locker. Chloe holds a folded piece of paper.

“Good morning, guys,” I greet as I join them. “Another love note from your awesome romantic boyfriend, Chloe?” I shoot Liam a grin.

“Yes!” It looks like the only thing Chloe wants to do is throw her arms around Liam and kiss him senseless, but they already got detention last week for PDA.

“Did you guys get an email this morning about an assembly?” Lily asks. “I wonder what it’s about.”
