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He twists his nose. “But a pirateromance? Isn’t it like reading every single female’s fantasy? Not sure I want that in my head.”

“It’s a clean book,” I tell him. “At least, the first one is.”

Ava’s eyes light up. “There’s going to be a sequel?”

“I hope so! Because there are so many unanswered questions.”

Aidan steps back, holding out his hands. “I think I’ll pass on this one. Besides, I want you to have your special time with your Musketeers, Princess.” He leans forward to kiss her lips. “I’m taking Lexi and Skylar to the science museum. Maybe Peter can drop you off when you’re done with book club.”

“Ooh, what’s the special exhibit this month?”

“Arctic animals like polar bears and seals and some whales. Lexi is so stoked.”

Ava kisses his cheek. “You bet I’ll be there.”

“Cool. See you later.” He gives her one more kiss before waving at me and walking off.

“Well, I tried,” Ava says with a huff as she drops down in the seat next to me. “Tell me, how am I with a guy who doesn’t like to read?”

“You’ll convert him,” I tell her with a teasing smile. “You just need to find the right book for him.”

“Yeah.” She laughs. “Pirate romances are definitely not his thing.”

“We can try a superhero next,” I suggest. “Maybe Xavier will be interested in reading it, too. Then your boyfriends could join us for book club. It would be interesting to see their perspectives.”

“Maybe after basketball season is over. Liam and Xavier are super stressed.”

“That, they are.” Lily strides into the room and lowers herself in the seat across from me. “My poor guy. And Liam, too. Their coach is putting them under so much pressure to win.”

Ava pokes her elbow into Lily’s ribs. “I’m sure your kisses help.”

“And my baked goods,” Chloe says as she sits down near Lily. “Liam swears they’re magic and help him play better. And of course my kisses.”

“Your baked goods are totally magic,” I tell her.


As my friends chat, I stare down at my phone. Still no downloads. I’m starting to get worried. Something must be wrong.

Chloe rubs my arm. “Nothing?”

I shake my head with a sigh.

“I promise they’ll download it tonight,” Lily tells me again. “Remember, they’re probably embarrassed to do it in front of their friends.”

“I don’t know. I’m worried something’s wrong with the coding…”

“How about we do this…” Ava slips my phone out of my hand and drops it into my bag. “Let’s forget about our troubles and talk about Marissa and Lucien the Pirate with a super sexy scar on his face.”

“Who says the mostromanticthings to Marissa.” Lily swoons.

“And can freakin’ hold his breath underwater for like five minutes while looking for sunken treasure,” Chloe says. “I swear he’s half fish.”

“And when he gave that ring worth thousands of dollars to Marissa as a token of his affection?” Lily grabs hold of her chest and slides down in her desk like she fainted. “I think I just died.”

“And went to heaven!” Ava adds.

With a smile, I toss my worries away. “How about the epic sword fight, though?”
