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“Sure, no problem.”

He smiles. “Thank you for that wonderful presentation. Now, who’s next?”

One by one, the students present their apps. Each one is more interesting than the next. Considering we’re only ten kids in this class and hundreds will enter the competition, I wonder if I have a shot at winning. But I know I have a good app and I believe in it.

Class is over, and as I follow the kids out the exit, I feel good. But the part that sucks? I can’t share my excitement with anyone. Not my friends, of course. Not Dad, who’s not interested in anything I do.

Bri would have loved the app and supported me. So would have Mom before she decided she didn’t want me in her life.

I have no one.

“Hey,” Willow says as I pull out some books from my locker.

I shut it and hike my backpack strap up my arm. “Hey.”

“I like your app.”

“Yeah? Think it can beat yours?” I joke.

Her eyes narrow. “Heck no.”

I grin. “I guess we’ll see, then. What do you think will impress the judges more? A matchmaking app or a school-related app?”

She rolls her eyes. “Obviously mine.”

I playfully scoff. “You wish, Park. Hey, I was wondering if I can test my app on Mia? I’ve tested it on a few of my students, but Mia’s very smart and I wonder if she’ll think it’s silly or a waste of time.”

She shrugs. “She’ll probably love it. She loves WillowBot, so I’m sure she’ll be very excited to have a virtual tutor.”

I smile. “Thanks. I’ll bring over my computer this weekend when I tutor her.”

“Oh, my parents didn’t tell you? Mia’s going to L.A. this weekend for an audition.”

“Right. Yeah, they told me. Sorry, I forgot. Maybe you can check it out?”

She shakes her head. “Sorry. My friends and I are having a girls’ weekend.”

I smile. “Sounds like fun.

“Yep. It will be. I was so busy with my app these past few months, so it’ll be nice to hang out with them again.”

“And you won’t be so lonely if it’s just the girls, right?”

Her eyes widen. “You were supposed to forget that!”

Crap. “I didn’t say anything.”

She heaves her backpack off her back and drops it to the floor, getting down on her knees and rummaging inside. “I think I have something in here that could suck out your memories.”

I back away, my eyes bulging out of their sockets. “What?”

She glances up at me with a crooked smile. “I’m just kidding. But really, please forget I said anything.”

I drop down next to her. “Why are you so embarrassed about that? It’s normal to feel lonely when your friends are paired up and you’re not.”

“Why are you so embarrassed for everyone to know you like tech?” she counters.

I swallow, averting my gaze. “You wouldn’t understand.”
