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Dad sits down on the chair in front of Harabeoji’s desk. “Can we really do it, Appa? Expand the restaurant?”

Harabeoji studies the documents before him. “If we’re serious about this, Ji-Ho, we can definitely do it.”

“Willow!” Halmeoni calls from where she stands with my food. “Come to the kitchen to eat. All the tables are full.”

I wave, letting her know I’ll be there in a second. I say goodbye to Harabeoji and head to the kitchen, where Halmeoni set me up with one of my favorite foods,japchae. It’s stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables. It’s Dad’s favorite, and one of Mom’s too.

As I eat, I set up my laptop and work on fixing the bugs in the school’s app. Maintaining this thing is seriously a full-time job. When I’ve made significant progress, and after Halmeoni has served me another dish and dessert, Dad drops down at the table.

“Hey,” he says.

“Break time?”

He laughs lightly. “I don’t have time for a break, not with how crazy it is out there. I wonder what caused the sudden influx.” His eyebrows crease. “Was it Kara’s article?”

“Chloe’s Mom? What did she do?”

“I think she wrote an article about Ji-Ho’s in the Edenbury Press recently. Maybe that’s the explanation.”

“Cool. She’s so awesome.”

“She is. Listen, sweetheart. I was hoping you could do your mom and me a favor.”


He leans in to whisper, “Mia’s been struggling with math lately. We were hoping you might help her? I know you’re preoccupied with your own schoolwork and your app. We’ll hire a tutor if you can’t make time for it.”

“She’s having problems with school?”

“Just math,” he assures me. “You think you can make time for it?”

“Of course. What kind of sister would I be if I didn’t have time to help my own sister?” Honestly, it’ll be pretty tight. But I’ll make it work.

He smiles as he kisses my forehead. “Thanks, my little genius. I think you girls should get started right away because Mia has a test coming up. I’ll give you two a lift home as soon as you’re finished eating and then drive back here to continue helping out.”

“We can leave now. I’m done.” I start collecting my dirty dishes, but one of the servers hurries over to collect them. “Gamsahamnida,” I tell her.

“You’re welcome,” she says with a smile as she walks away.

“Mia?” Dad calls.

“One second, Dad. There’s this stupid piece of meat stuck to this stupid plate that won’t come off.”

“It’s okay, sweetie. Yu-Jun will take over. I’m taking you and Willow home.”

“Really? Finally!” She drops the plate into the pool in the sink with such force that soapy water splashes all over. “Oops.Joesonghamnida, Halmeoni.”

“Gwaenchana. I’ll clean it up.” She hugs her. “You’re a great help. Even though you’re being forced to do this, I appreciate it. I love the time we spend together.”

“Me, too. See you tomorrow, Halmeoni!”

After she changes out of her dish pig outfit, she and I follow Dad to the car. “Mia,” he says once we’re on the road. “Willow’s going to help you with math. So as soon as you get home, I want you to sit down at your desk and start your math homework.”

“Willow’s going to help me? I won’t need a tutor?Score.” She throws me a smile. “With mini-Mom as my tutor, I’ll learn the stuff in no time.”

I frown at her. “Mini-Mom?”

“You know you’re just like her. Well, at least in the genes. Because you look exactly like Dad.”

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