Page 16 of Ruthless Royals

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“I know,” she said breathily, then exposed her neck.

My heart thudded as I leaned into Elizabeth, pushing her against the wall. Salenia’s wide grin was clear in my peripheral vision, and I quickly exhaled, my hand gliding along the side of Elizabeth’s waist that Salenia couldn’t see. I stroked her side with my thumb, caressing her curves so she would know I cared, that I didn’t want to do this.

My sharp fangs pierced her delicate skin. The smell of her blood filled my nostrils. A wash of guilty pleasure came over me as I savored the taste of her, mixed with a stab of anguish in my stomach, as if I was betraying myself by drinking her blood. Elizabeth gasped, and I almost stopped, but Salenia had to believe our ruse. It was this, or death.

She moaned softly as the venom coursed through her veins, her eyes fluttering shut as the high stole her. I took my fill of her blood, savoring the sweetness and allowing myself to become lost in the buzz. When I finally pulled away, her body went limp, and she slumped to the floor.

I wiped away the sticky residue of her blood on my lips with the back of my sleeve.

Elizabeth winced as she gently touched the angry puncture marks, her eyes in the back of her head. Salenia reached us, her smirk growing.

I bowed my head and addressed the queen with a forced respect. “Your Majesty,” I said with a tight jaw, my voice dripping with disdain. “You remember the mortal.”

My eyes remained glued to Elizabeth as Salenia closed the space between them. She smiled, her glossy red lips parting, and slid a hand up Elizabeth's arm to help her stand. Her long black lashes flickered as she winked, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “I do,” she replied. “It seems she can't handle your wild nature.” She shrugged. “Don't feel bad, mortal.” She moved her eyes from Elizabeth to me. “Most can't, but I always did like it rough. You remember, don’t you Niall?”


Salenia’s head tilted gracefully, and the long braid over her shoulder glinted in the light. The delicate silk gown hugged her slender frame, sparkling with small, embroidered diamonds. Her lips were parted in a smile as she fixed her gaze on Elizabeth. Her predatory expression sent a chill down my spine. “Enjoy your evening,” she said a little too brightly. “I know I will.” She turned slowly, enjoying the attention from the crowd as she swayed her hips, moving graciously as couples moved out of their way for her.

The music grew louder, and I pulled Elizabeth into the feeding room. “She’s toying with us,” I said, wiping the sweat gathering between my brows. “I’m sorry about the bite. Here.” I dragged a finger down my thumb, a pool of blood forming against my skin. “Drink, before it heals.”

She pushed my hand back. “No way. If she sees it’s healed, she’ll know you did it.”

“She won’t check.”

“I’m not risking it.” She cleared her throat. “I can handle it. It’s not even that painful,” she lied, wincing when she moved.

I grabbed two tall glasses from a server's tray, the soft moans of pleasure spilling out from one of the nearby tents. She accepted the glass and tipped it to her lips. “There’s not blood mixed in with this, right?”

I smirked. “No, love. Drink away.”

Her eyes widened as they settled on the tent. The faint shape of three bodies, interlocked in an embrace, shifted from one side of the thin lace curtain to the other in slow, deliberate movements. “Seriously? In the middle of a party?”

I bit my lip, drawing my lips to the top of her ear. “Curious?” I asked, then pulled away.

“Would you want that?” She asked, her gaze fixed on the threesome.

I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth, imaging pulling her inside one of those tents. “I wouldn’t want anyone to see you naked. Only me.”

Her body suddenly went rigid, and I felt an electric chill run down my spine. I snapped my hand away, my skin tingling. I had to get a grip. What the fuck was I thinking?

She touched her neck, her cheeks reddening. “I need, to, um, look for my sister.”

“She’s with Salenia,” I mentioned, recalling seeing her by the throne. We turned away from the tents, and I refocused my thoughts. They were going to get us in trouble.

“I didn’t see her,” she said.

“She’s by the thrones, but you can’t approach her yet,” I warned. “Salenia will kill her just to spite you.”

Her eyes glossed, and my chest erupted as she winced. “So what now?”

“Salenia will make her speech soon. Until then, we bide our time.”

She gave me a curt nod before a noble I recognized brushed past her, bumping into her shoulder and spilling the gold liquid, the drink sloshing against ancient stone. “Careful, Thomas,” I warned.

“Your highness,” he said, bowing, restrained anger in his black gaze. “Who’s this?”

“Some mortal,” I said nonchalantly.
