Page 19 of Petals of Innocence

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As she inspected each nook and cranny, she removed the smashed and crumpled papers as well as random books she found. She stacked the books on a small table next to a wingback chair and started to worry the stack was growing too tall. She smoothed out all of the papers and piled them on the bed. Once she finished her thorough investigation, she sighed and shook her head at the tower of books. It had become too tall for her to stack any more, so she started a new pile on the floor next to the table. She had just begun attempting to bring order to the mountain of crumpled papers, when she felt that pulling sensation in her chest and knew Ciaran was behind her.

“You know, it is considered rude to rifle through another’s possessions, little witch,” his deep smoky voice said softly into her ear. Part of her had been expecting him to sneak up on her, which he seemed to enjoy doing often. Even though she had been anticipating it, she still couldn’t help the slight startle and subsequent goose flesh ripple down her arms. She didn’t think she would ever get used to the way he moved, no matter how long she resided with him in his tower.

“I was curious,” she said on a hitched breath, as Ciaran lightly dragged his knuckles up her arm. She turned her face to meet his gaze.

“Curiosity can get you into trouble, little witch.” He moved the tip of a single claw under her jaw and gently directed her chin up. He brought his face down close enough to hers that all Etain would have to do was lean forward and their mouths would meet.

She hesitated. She could not understand what this need was for him that only grew stronger and stronger every minute they spent together. That place in her chest where she felt the pull towards him began to sing anytime they were this close together. They barely knew each other, yet it was as if her soul recognized his on the deepest level.

Ciaran must have felt her hesitation. He dropped his hand, stood up straight, and began to scan the mountain of papers. She was having a hard time figuring out if he was upset by her snooping or not. His silence made it hard to read him. He found a few he appeared to need and stuffed them into his pocket; he then made his way to the towers of books Etain had created. She was getting nervous the longer he stayed silent. She had only meant to help him. Her nerves made her begin to wring her hands together in the way she always did when she grew nervous or uncertain.

He perused the titles of the books and stopped when he got to a particular one. He shifted the books on top of the one he wanted to the other pile and picked up the book he had been looking at. “Huh. I have been looking all over for this book. Perhaps I should have you snoop in more places.” He looked at her with amusement in his eyes. Etain let out the breath she had been holding and dropped her hands in relief.

“My prince, I fear your spell can not account for organization. It seems things get shoved out of sight. You should see the small arsenal you have spread across the room.” She enjoyed the way his eyes lit up when she called him “my prince.” It was her turn to smirk at him.

Ciaran’s slow spreading smile held only joy and none of the usual wicked intent, which sent a blush creeping up Etain’s chest and face. She found herself cursing her fair skin again; it always gave too much away and made it impossible for her to beat Ciaran at his own games.

“Yourprince? Have you claimed me then, little witch?” he said as he wrapped his arms around her.

Etain felt flustered, as she always did when they made contact. In all her years she had never felt as off-kilter as she did around Ciaran. His attention always felt so intense.

“I, well, that is…I don’t…”

Ciaran just laughed and nuzzled her neck, inhaling deeply.

Etain let out a gasp. She had never been touched in such a way, though she found herself enjoying it immensely. That heat she always felt around him began to spread throughout her body and pooled in her core. She was desperately trying to suppress a moan. She thought she might die of embarrassment if she let it out.

“Do not fret, my little witch,” he said while taking a few steps away.

Etain didn’t understand how he always seemed to know when she was starting to feel overwhelmed and would give her space at the right time.

“I want to take you somewhere I like to go sometimes.” He snapped his fingers and a heavy cloak was suddenly in his hand. “You will need this. I believe it might be a touch cold for you.”

Etain picked up the heavy dark green velvet-lined cloak, and then looked down at her bare feet. His gaze followed hers.

“Have you been shoeless this whole time?”

She nodded, and he looked at her sheepishly. “Forgive me, little witch and her icicle toes.” He snapped his fingers again and fur lined leggings and warm boots appeared. She found herself smiling at his apology.

Etain made him turn around and promise not to peek as she pulled the leggings all the way up. He found her request amusing, chuckling as he turned around. This did not seem like the best time to mention he had failed to supply all of her undergarments. Heat creeped up her neck again as she thought about how bare she had been. She really needed to get a hold on her flush; it warmed her cheeks.

Once she was clad in all the warm items, she told Ciaran she was ready. He turned with his golden eyes closed tight and one of his famous smirks splitting his face.

“Are you sure you are decent, little witch? I would hate to offend any of your sensibilities.” His smirk, turned into a sensual smile, had Etain’s heart picking up; he snapped his eyes open. “Or perhaps I would thoroughly enjoy offending your sensibilities.”

Before Etain had a chance to respond, he had her snatched into his arms and ported them away.

They went to what looked like the highest point in the palace.

“Oh this is quite the view!” Etain exclaimed as she looked around to see a wide open view all around her. She had never been so high in all her life, and it felt like being in the clouds. She could see every inch of the city below which had several tall buildings and cobblestone roads. She had never seen architecture like that before. She found herself walking all along the perimeter of the top of the tower to inspect the town and palace below her.

Everything was made of black stone or marble and speckled with the illusion of stars. The way they sparkled from the light of the large moon hung low in the sky was absolutely breathtaking. She began to wonder if the tower they were standing on was Ciaran’s, because it looked to be the highest tower of the palace.

“Ciaran, is this your tower?”

Ciaran smirked at her from where he leaned against the parapet, content watching her take in his city. “Yes, we are standing a few stories above the bedchamber.”

She looked out at the city again. “The palace is much larger than I expected. What is your city called?”
