Page 21 of Petals of Innocence

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She gave him a questioning look.

“I will not worry you with the possibilities until I know for sure.”

Etain opened her mouth to let him know she did not appreciate him keeping information from her, particularly when it concerned her, too.

“Please do not argue with me. On this, I will not budge. I swear to you – as soon as I am certain, I will tell you everything.”

Etain closed her mouth and began to chew the inside of her cheek with her teeth. She did this often when she was trying to contain her anger.

“I will need to…treat you a certain way in front of my court. They will expect a certain level of depravity from their prince, and I must maintain appearances, if only to keep them from becoming too curious about you.” He looked almost pained when she glared at him.

Etain’s nerves began to overtake her anger, and her voice went breathy with fear. “Will you hurt me?”

Ciaran’s eyes went wide, and he stepped out in the air to stand between her legs. He placed both hands on either side of her, crowding her space. “I wouldneverhurt you, little witch.”

He said it with such vehemence she would have believed him even if she hadn’t known the fae can’t lie. The corner of his mouth quirked up into that smirk with which she found herself falling in love. “That is, of course, unless you ask me to.” He began running the tip of his nose up the side of her neck until his mouth reached her ear and whispered, “And youwillask me to, Etain.”

Etain’s heartbeat was near bursting from her chest as her core went molten.

He lifted his head to look her in the eyes, “I will not hurt you, but I do not think you will like me much afterwards. Even if your body does. I will frighten and enthrall you at the same time, and I will enjoy every minute of it.” He brushed his lips softly against hers.

She found it hard to worry about the Lunar Ball and what she may be forced to endure. She craved his touch more than anything. She knew she shouldn’t, but there seemed to be nothing she could do about it. Her prince had already begun working his way into her heart.

Etain let out a breathy moan. “Kiss me, my prince.”

Ciaran needed no further invitation. He claimed Etain’s mouth demanding entrance at once with his tongue and nipping her bottom lip with his elongated incisors.

Etain tried to hang on as her mouth was thoroughly invaded. She had never kissed anyone before, and this was not the sweet kiss she thought her first kiss would be. Instead it was savage and stoked the fire burning within her to near bursting. Ciaran stole her breath and drowned her sense of anything but him.

It was a conquering. It was perfect.


Aninwasnotcertainhow long she had been asleep, but it could not have been very long. She still felt her aching muscles, and her power was only partially replenished. Her head ached and it reminded her of the one morning after a Beltane celebration many years ago when she woke in an unfamiliar bed surrounded by unfamiliar fae. She knew she had thoroughly enjoyed herself, and others, but she paid the price the entire day after.

In her drowsiness, she was having a hard time placing exactly what had woken her. Whatever it was, she was going to let it know exactly what she thought about being woken before she wanted.

She huffed out her annoyance and threw the covers over her head. She felt the eyes upon her and figured it could only be one being. A male who thought far too highly of himself and apparently had no issues sneaking into her room. She couldn’t wait to have her full power back and be able to put up wards to keep him from barging in on her.

“Go away, Kes. I have not had nearly enough sleep to deal with your cocksure-self.”

She heard a chuckle come from the corner of the room where a wingback chair, accompanied by a small table and lamp, sat. Before she had crawled into bed earlier, she thought it could be the perfect spot for reading.

“Thinking of my cock already, are you, nymph?”

Anin couldn’t be sure any male had ever gotten under her skin so thoroughly before, but she was not about to let him know he bothered her. “Only you could gather such nonsense from a rather obvious scorn. The sun would rise in the night court before I have need to think of your cock. Although, I do suppose if the carpet matches the drapes, it may have its uses…as a duster.” She grinned to herself under the covers, rather proud of that jab.

Suddenly, the covers were ripped off her and thrown to the floor. She felt the weight of him on her with his dark downy feathered wings spread wide, caging her in.

“A duster indeed. I have no doubts I would thoroughly enjoy any ‘dusting’ you did with it. Perhaps your sweet little cunt needs to be dusted. Shall I check?”

Anin was no prude, but she could not help the heat that bloomed across her skin. She had been entirely unprepared for him to be that crass. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised by his brazen behavior; he was known for it, after all.

“Get off me – you heathen!” she screeched while she tried to dislodge him. She was flustered by his nearness and the way it made her body heat, against her better judgment. She knew she had just given away how much he had gotten to her. She lashed out with her magic. Out of the tiniest of crevices she directed her vines to grow and wrap around the big headed bird’s limbs.

Kes was distracted by Anin’s state of undress. He had never seen her without her wings wrapped around her in some fashion. She had vines wrapped around her upper body and they had shifted down in sleep. The pale green cleavage Anin kept hidden had slipped out. He had just a peek at the upper edge of a dark green nipple before he realized his limbs were being secured; he suddenly wrenched back and slammed against the opposite wall. He knew he could easily break loose from the vines that bound him, but he wanted to see what his nymph would do.

He grinned smugly at her and took no small pleasure in the fire he saw burning behind her eyes. “Darling, if you wanted me tied up, all you had to do was say so.”
