Page 25 of Petals of Innocence

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Etain gasped, “Would that be possible? I thought only Kes was equal in power to Ciaran.”

“He is, and it would be highly unlikely anyone could actually usurp him, even if they consumed your power. Though it would be rather unenjoyable for you, Etain.”

Etain could feel her hair start to dance around her as she grew increasingly panicked. She didn’t even know what her powers truly were let alone how to control it. She feared what would happen if she let her emotions get the better of her, which was a good possibility since everything was new to her and bound to be incredibly uncomfortable.

“I am sure Kes will bind my magic to appease the court. It is almost unheard of to allow a member from the opposite court to keep their life, let alone live outside of a cage. Perhaps it would be wise to have Ciaran do the same to you since your power is untrained and uncontrolled. Ciaran asked me to help you learn to control your power, but I don’t even know where to begin. Ideally we would find another witch to help you, because it’s your own kind who knows how to train your type of magic and power. Sadly, they all live in the Borderlands, and it is unlikely one or two nights would make any difference in your control.” Anin gave Etain an apologetic look; she could tell the nymph wanted to help.

“Is that how you learned? From other wood nymphs?” Etain was curious about everything.

“My mother and I had different types of power, though she did teach me how to use my magic. A couple of witches taught me a few things I could use with my power, but my knowledge is paltry at best. It is rather frustrating to have this deep well of power and not be able to use it to my full capacity. For example, I should know how to port, but there was never anyone around me that knew how.” Etain thought the solution to that was easy enough.

“Why not ask Kes? He knows how to do it.”

Anin cringed a little bit at the suggestion. “I thought about it, but ultimately I think the cost would be too high.”

Etain had no idea what she was talking about. The way Kes watched everything she did with a fierce hunger, as Ciaran did with her, said otherwise.

“I think you would be surprised. It doesn’t hurt to ask. If the price ends up too high, I’ll make Ciaran teach you, and then Kes will be mad he isn’t the one to do it. He will likely put on quite the show with a tantrum,” Etain said to Anin.

They broke out into such a fit of laughter Etain nearly had tears streaming down her face. “Do you know many witches? I would love to meet one. I have never known another witch besides my mother.”

“I actually know many. I may even know some of your kin. I had to go into hiding when I was still rather young after my mother died. I spent most of my younger years with the witches in the Borderlands. Perhaps after the Lunar Ball we can visit the coven I grew up in. I’m positive we could find a witch there to help you learn your magic and power.”

Etain had not realized how alone she had felt since her mother had died until she heard there were other Walsh witches on this side of the veil. She had family here! Etain didn’t even try to hold back the smile she gave Anin and let her joy shine through.

Anin didn’t want to crush Etain’s palpable happiness. Many of the witches residing in the Day Court were from the coven Anin grew up in and a few of them were Etain’s relatives. The last of the Walsh witches.

Walsh witches were notoriously powerful, but maybe not as powerful as Etain would be some day. Her well was shockingly deep. Anin thought Etain might be the most powerful being in the realm. That all meant nothing if she didn’t learn how to harness her power and use her magic. Going to the coven that was Anin’s home would be the best course of action for Etain. She knew at least one witch there who would be happy to teach her.

Anin considered the witches her family more than her own kind. Her court was the reason she had to grow up in the Borderlands, hiding from the high fae of the Day Court when she should have been learning how to harness her own power. Maybe if she had learned a bit more than her trivial tricks she would have been able to successfully flee this realm.

When Kes caught her that night she thought her life over. Thankfully, by making it seem she knew of the inner workings of the Day Court and how they were growing their power, she had gained her a blood oath. She was not looking forward to the night Ciaran came for the knowledge she had insinuated she knew. Now she just had to hope her sparse knowledge, her theories about the power growth, and the bond forming between her and Kes would be enough to keep her alive.

She had a feeling Kes was her mate, as frustrating as it was. She did not have time for a mate and certainly not for one so obnoxious. She had to figure out a way to make the disappearances of the witches to the Day Court important to Ciaran. Perhaps her suspicions about the missing witches and the power growth of the Day Court would be enough to at least get him to look into it. She had been tasked by the Many Faced Goddess to uncover what was really happening to the witches that followed her.

At the time, Anin had fought the goddess and had even tried to tell her what a bad idea it was considering the Day Court had been hunting for her already. Now she was beginning to think the goddess knew what would come to pass and placed her on this path.

What were the odds of being caught by her mate, gaining the protection she needed to sneak around the Day Court, and befriending a long lost Walsh witch of incredible power who had been caught by her mate as well? This had the meddling of the goddess written all over it. Anin was certain the goddess knew how this would all play out, but she also knew she would never give away her secrets. She only told beings exactly what they needed to know, when they needed to know it, and nothing more.

There was no question in her mind that Etain was the Prince of Darkness’ mate, but she did not feel it was her place to tell Etain. She was not even sure if Ciaran and Kes knew what Etain and Anin were to them. Males could be incredibly dense, after all.

She doubted Etain even knew about mates. No, she would leave that to Ciaran to explain. Anin continued to answer Etain’s questions to the best of her ability. Most of them centered around the other Walsh witches and what it was like to grow up in a coven. Anin began to think perhaps if she made the disappearances of witches important to Etain, Ciaran would then find it important. Anin had a sneaking suspicion the Day Court was looking for a Walsh witch of Etain’s level of power specifically, but she was uncertain to what end.


CiaranwasupbeforeEtain and was pleased to see she was draped all over him in her sleep. He got up and readied himself well before first night so she was none the wiser they had shared a bed.

After Ciaran escorted Etain to his study to begin working with Anin, he stopped by the kitchens to order breakfast delivered for the females. It always brought a devilish smile to his face to show up in different parts of the palace unannounced and cause no small disruption to the staff, as they stumbled over themselves in fear. With the exception of the brownies, they feared nothing.

He had been mulling over the discovery he made the night before and knew there had to be a connection between Etain and the Many Faced Goddess’ prophecy. He also knew his prisoner’s tales of the Shepherd and the Beings of Light were connected to the Day Court’s power growth. He just could not see how they all intertwined.

He was becoming more and more certain Etain was his mate, but he could not be sure the pull between them wasn’t some trick forced on him by that goddess bitch. He wouldn’t put it past her to make him carefor a descendant of the witch to blame for all his problems. If it weren’t for this ridiculous curse, he could ascend the throne without a queen and send the Day Court out of his lands. He would then make them pay for daring to meddle in his court’s dealings, because he would have the power to obliterate the Day Court if it weren’t for this blasted curse.

Before Etain quietly snuck into his life, there was nothing he desired more than to destroy any of the Day Court who thought to disrupt the delicate balance of the realm. He had wanted nothing else than to wrought his wickedness for centuries to come. He still very much desired this; yet he also found himself desiring his witch and the way her skin flushed easily at the smallest touch or subtle innuendos. He found his most overwhelming desire was to bring her happiness. Happiness, of all things. He had only ever desired his own happiness before he had gone out for that fateful hunt.Thishadto be the work of the goddess.

There was no way Ciaran could possibly care for another in such a way. A true mate bond would likely be with someone as wicked as he. Etain was not wicked in the slightest. She was innocent, good, and kind. What sick fate would match him with someone like that? He was sure to cause her pain and suffering. The idea of causing her to feel such things made his stomach sour. If his court knew he was experiencing such feelings, they would all think him weak and traitorous; that would put Etain in a constant state of danger. It irritated him further how quickly that concern came to the forefront of his mind.

Ciaran felt his aggression growing more and more over his lack of control when it came to his witch. He decided to go and work that aggression out. He also needed more information to connect the Day Court’s meddling in the Human Realm to his little witch, and likely their sudden increase in power. It looked like a visit to his human prisoner was in order. Ciaran felt vicious delight bloom inside him and began to manically cackle while porting to his private section of the dungeon.
