Page 31 of Petals of Innocence

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He cupped her face and lifted her so she was looking into his eyes again. “At any time, all you must do is tell me you wish for the binding to be gone and I will remove it. You are in complete control of when your power returns.”

She gave him a watery smile and simply nodded. He ran his hands down her body until they reached her hips; he roughly pulled her flush to himself. “I am going to greatly enjoy plucking the eyes from any being who dares to let their eyes linger on you for more than a moment. If anyone is fool enough to dare touch what’s mine, they will be divested of their foolish hands. That’s what you are, you know? Mine.”

Etain gasped, and he was pleased to see the heat back in her eyes. It appeared she enjoyed how possessive he was of her. “And are you mine, then prince?” she asked him with her voice full of desire.

“There is no question about that, little witch. I have been yours since the moment I first saw you in the woods.”

Her face softened a bit from the heated expression she had been trying to mask all day to one of adoration. Ciaran could not be sure which one he loved more. He leaned down and gently touched his lips to hers in a soft kiss he hoped conveyed his feelings for her.

He wasn’t used to being this vulnerable. He pulled away and went to run his fingers through his hair as he was prone to do when feeling uncertain. He forgot he was wearing his crown and nearly knocked it off his head, which made Etain giggle. He couldn’t decide what sounds he loved more from her – sounds of happiness or need. Good gods, he also wasn’t sure when he had become such a besotted fool. He decided if it was only when it came to Etain, he could accept it.

He pointed at the knee-high leather boots with a slight heel and told her he had not forgotten her shoes this time. He further explained to her he would be dropping her off with Kes and Anin in his study. Kes would be escorting both of them to the festival, so Ciaran could make sure his court heard his threat of dismemberment clearly before she entered.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the final piece to her ensemble – a thin black obsidian collar that matched his crown, only he could remove. The lead was built into the stone and had a barely-visible silver shimmer that was spelled so only he and Etain could touch it. He would not risk anyone else thinking they could drag her around with it. Not even Kes or Anin.

As soon as the stone touched her neck it sealed shut around her, Ciaran draped the lead in such a way it looked like an intricate necklace. Etain looked slightly uncertain and softly touched the stone around her neck, but the second she looked up into his eyes and saw the way Ciaran stared at both the collar and her with a possessive hunger, she relaxed.

“Now hurry and get your shoes on before I rip the gown from you and throw you on the bed – then we’ll never make it to the ball at all.”

Etain’s eyes lit up and a sultry smile emerged before she turned and slowly bent to step into her boots. Ciaran was sure Etain was beginning to understand she held all the power between them. Even when she had no access to her own, she still owned all of his.

Twenty Five

Seamuscouldnotbesure how long he had been strapped to the table. He had long ago lost his battle with the urge to relieve himself, and he could no longer feel his appendages. He had never felt thirst like this, and his stomach was cramping from hunger. There was nothing he wanted more than to be free from this demon cursed place. He cursed Etain, but not for the first time, and he knew it would not be the last time either. Seamus had come to the conclusion this entire situation was her fault. If she had agreed to join him on his journey of ascension to the Beings of Light as his wife, none of this would’ve happened to him.

All she had to do was truly listen to what Seamus told her of the preachings by the Shepherd. He knew her views and beliefs would change if she just listenedto him the way any good woman should listen to their betrothed, but no – she had to be stubborn. Her selfish ways had led him to follow her in the woods that night and call upon desperate measures to make her pure.Shehad caused that; Seamus had only been doing what he must to save her.

The blue demon of a beast was the most vile thing Seamus had ever seen. He would love nothing more than to squeeze the life from his evil form. If his life mission had been to join the Beings of Light, this creature would be the exact opposite. He assumed he was being tested to see if he was truly worthy of ascension. He was desperate to get out of these bonds and prove himself. Shifting as much as he could, he sucked in a sharp hiss of a breath.

He had nearly forgotten the demon had carved the word “FOOL” into his chest. A fool he was indeed for ever thinking Etain could be saved, especially if this was the type of creature she worshiped. The demon protected Etain in exchange for her loyalty and body, no doubt. She quickly gave that monstrosity her body, he just knew it to be true, yet she had deniedhimrepeatedly. She was nothing but a demon whore.

Seamus had never felt such rage and indignation. If he ever had the chance again to take it out on Etain, he would. It was her fault he was strapped to this table, and she had not intervened on his behalf when he had never done anything except try to bring her into the Light to save her. How did she thank him? By dodging him in public and shutting doors in his face in private.

It wasn’t his fault he had to turn the townsfolk against her over the past several years. She forced him when she continued to insist on her independence. He wanted her completely dependent onhim; he could take better care of her and make her welcome the Light. She was an ungrateful whore as well.

Seamus was in the middle of another mental tirade when he heard the shifting of wind announcing someone’s arrival. He tried not to flinch at the idea of spending any more time with the demon. He didn’t think he would ever forget the look on the demon’s face as he carved into Seamus’ chest. It would haunt him for the rest of his days, and he hated the demon even more for having that kind of power over him. He readied himself as best he could, but he knew there was no preparing for the demon’s version of fun.

“Seamus.” He knew that voice. Seamus felt something wet slide down one cheek; he had come for him, just like Seamus had been praying for.

“Shepherd.” Seamus’ voice was dry and raspy with disuse.

“Hello, Seamus – a shepherd never leaves one of its flock behind.” He was quiet for a moment, and Seamus felt immense love for the man who had become like a father to him.

“Seamus, you have found yourself in a position to prove to the Beings of Light you are fit to ascend to the Kingdom of Light. All you must do is complete your test. A mission which has been prepared for you by the God of Light himself. Do you accept your test?”

Seamus felt a warming of pride in his chest. He would do whatever they asked of him; he was ready. “Of course, Shepherd – whatever the Light demands, I will give,” he said confidently.

The Shepherd began to outline a plan that made Seamus smile for the first time in days; he didn’t even care his lips cracked. The God of Light and he were on the same path. This would give him the two things he wanted most: off this table and revenge on Etain. He could not have been given a more perfect mission.

“Wonderful, Seamus. I knew we could count on you. I will remove your bonds in a moment, however the gift of healing I am about to place on you will keep you immobile for the next couple hours. It will only heal, it will not remove your scars. You need to be reminded of why we must work hard to bring all into the Light.”

“I will wear them with purpose, Shepherd,” Seamus said with conviction.

“As soon as you can move your body, throw this orb at your feet and it will take you right to where you need to be. Here is a map of your route out of the palace once you have completed your mission. There will be a horse and wagon waiting for you. Follow the map left in the wagon, and I shall meet you along the way.” The Shepherd waved his golden hand along Seamus’ body. Seamus felt everything go stiff, and he started to panic.

“Relax, Seamus. I am giving you the gift of healing Light. It will heal you fully and swiftly – you need to be at your strongest for your mission.”

At the mention of the mission, Seamus forced himself to calm down and relax. He had already been strapped down tight, so it wasn’t much of a change. He told himself he could adjust to this, knowing soon he would be healed and able to move his body. It was a miracle, and Seamus was in complete awe of the Shepherd.
