Page 13 of Grump

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“Well.” Luke shoves his hands in his pockets. Even that simple gesture shows off the muscles in his forearms. He’s so fucking hot.

“Well,” I echo. “You still owe me breakfast.” I nudge his shoulder with mine. “Tell me there’s at least a decent diner around here.”

“I make better eggs and bacon than anyone in this town.” I scrunch my face. “For you, I’ll hold the bacon. Though I cannot believe anyone would turn it down. Are you sure you want to be a vegetarian?”

I shut him up by kissing him, sliding my hands around his trim waist, and pressing my body against his. “Your place sounds great,” I say, pressing a kiss against his neck. It’s crazy how comfortable I feel with him already. Comfortable enough to take this chance and see what happens. He’s only an hour and a half away, and who knows, this just might be the next great adventure I’ve been looking for.

As I hop in my car and follow him back to his place, I can’t help but smile. City girl falls for a mountain man. Could there be a better story?



One YearLater

Everyone’s here,driven out from the city for our big day. Maude straightens my veil and hands me my bouquet. “You look like a princess, babe.”

“Thanks.” She pulls me in for a hug as we wait in the cabin while the wedding coordinator mutters something over her headset. “I’m so nervous.”

“You should be. That man of yours is a fucking hunk.”

“Who says hunk?” I laugh.

“I know, right?” Maude scrunches her nose when she laughs. “But he so is. And to think you never would’ve met him if I hadn’t canceled on you.” She tosses her red hair over her shoulder.

“It’s all thanks to you.” I tease back.

“Okay, ladies, we’re all set.” The wedding coordinator purses her lips and gives a curt nod.

“Here goes!” Butterflies dance in my stomach as we make our way to the back door. Outside, I see all of our friends and family seated with their backs to us, facing the lake. Luke stands under the gazebo, but I can’t make out his face. I hope he’s not too nervous being on display like this.

After our first weekend together, we were basically inseparable. We alternated visiting each other, and it turns out that Luke actually likes the city. We’ve kept my apartment and the cabin on the lake. Luke still works out here, doing manual labor, building houses, and facilitating construction, and I am still an influencer, but boy, has my content changed.

When my followers realized I went to the mountains and fell in love, they went nuts. The sponsorships started rolling in. With Luke’s permission, I started documenting our journey. It turns out people love love more than they love a glamorous image. They immediately fell in love with our story. Not only do I not have to work as much, but I’m starting to write for blogs and other periodicals, creating content that isn’t always so personal. Creating for other people has started to feel like my life’s path. I’m so freaking lucky.

Maude helps me down the steps. She smooches me on the cheek before the coordinator sends her on her way. I stand there alone, watching the sun set over the lake. When I get the nod, I head down to the gazebo.

My knees shake. For someone used to attention, you’d think it’d be easy to walk down the aisle, but it’s so personal. Luke’s eyes fill with tears when he sees me, and I keep my focus solely on him. It’s hard not to cry myself.

He meets me halfway and pulls me into a hug. Being safe in my future husband’s arms is my favorite place in the world.

“You look so beautiful.” He whispers into my ear. It sends shivers up and down my arms. I already can’t wait for our honeymoon, which has already been paid for by a sponsor.

“You look beautiful, too.” I breathe him in before turning toward the officiant, hand in hand, with the absolute love of my life.
