Page 4 of Professor

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“Oh,” she says. “You’re right.” She lets out a long sigh, and within seconds, her fingertips are clicking against the keyboard.

God, I feel like an asshole, but what else am I supposed to do? My head’s already out of the game since Rebecca’s arrival. I’m so close to truly discovering something fantastic that my focus needs to remain on the task at hand. I’ve worked too hard and come too far to let it all slip through my fingers because I have feelings for someone.

I’m not the kind of man who expresses such sentiments. My work is my life, and I need to get my thoughts back on track. I don’t care if Rebecca is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. A woman who smells so good, I could get drunk on the soft scent of her skin. She’s here to learn, and I’m here to teach her.

Nothing will ever happen between us, no matter how much I ache for her. Things between us will remain completely professional.



It’ssafe to say I’m cooked. Hours in the lab, even with the hot professor by my side, are starting to wear on me. I rub my red, aching eyes and allow the cool night air to give me the jolt of energy I need to make it home. If only my feet would obey my brain, shuffling at a snail’s pace.

One block from the bus, I round the corner in time to see its red tail lights glowing at the stop. Shit! I pick up the pace, crossing the street without even looking. I can’t move fast enough. As soon as I’m within yelling distance, the bus pulls away from the curb, leaving me stranded.

“Great,” I mutter to myself. The next bus isn’t for another…I check my watch. “No.” I thought it was earlier than this. That was the last shuttle of the night. “You’re kidding.”

I let out a long sigh and will myself not to cry, thinking of the warmth and comfort of my bed. It’s a long walk home, and I don’t know if I have the energy to do it. I’m about to give up and take a nap on the bench when it hits me. There’s a sofa in the lab that I could sleep on. If I set my alarm a little early, I can round trip back home for a shower and still make it back by the time Dr. Jameson arrives in the morning. Thank God he hasn’t been sleeping there lately.

My stomach growls. Luckily, the twenty-four-hour deli is on the short walk back to campus. I stop inside and order a turkey wrap at the counter and head to the drink cooler while they prepare my order. My brain swims.

I’ve always been a diligent student, but I’m going above and beyond the call of duty right now. I’d like to say it’s only because I want my dissertation to blow everyone out of the water, but that’s not the full truth. I’ve been thinking about Dr. Jameson nonstop.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying desperately to squash the thought. He’s my fucking professor and the most emotionally unattainable man I’ve ever met. Plus, he’s professional enough to know that getting involved with a student is a big taboo, at least as far as the University is involved.

Besides, it’s not like he would ever fall for a woman like me. I grew up poor and struggling. He’s this renowned scientist who’s hot enough to have anyone he wants. Why would he ever settle for a ponytail-wearing, sweatshirt-rocking college co-ed?

“Rebecca!” The counter dude’s voice pulls me from my thoughts—thank you—and I grab my order from him. Now, I feel wide awake, and before I leave, I grab a coffee to-go. Worst-case scenario is that I warm it up tomorrow, gross as that seems. I hate wasting money.

I head back into the building and toward the lab but stop dead in my tracks when I see that the lights are on. I was the last one to leave, so I know for certain I shut everything down and locked the door behind me. I take another step forward, and through the door, I see him.

The muscles in Dr. Jameson’s broad back pop and flex through his t-shirt. I swallow back a lump in my throat. The sheer size of the man never ceases to amaze me. His wavy brown hair is pushed away from his face, wet. He must’ve just gotten out of the shower.

A sultry image of soap running down the front of his tanned, toned torso invades my thoughts. My center clenches, panties dampening on the spot. Jesus, I need to get a grip. Maybe sleeping on the park bench would be better than having to fight my lustful thoughts.

Before I have a chance to truly reassess my decision, Dr. Jameson turns toward the door. My instinct is to duck, but he’s already seen me. I shoot him a shy smile, and he hulks his way to the door, opening it for me. “Rebecca, I thought you’d gone home.”

Shit, he doesn’t want me here. He probably planned on getting some work done when he doesn’t have to oversee the sad little grad student he’s been saddled with. “I missed the bus.”

“Well, I’ve certainly got plenty of work for you.” He almost smiles. At least, I think that’s the case. He’s such an enigma to me.

Dr. Jameson holds the door wider, and I step past him. His clean, sandalwood scent fills the space between us, confirming that he definitely just got out of the shower. My stomach does somersaults.

I set my deli wares down on the table. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

“For what?” His deep brown eyes lock into mine. For a brief moment, I forgot what I was going to say.

“Well, I didn’t know you’d be here. I would’ve gotten you something.” My arms flail like they’re unattached. “A coffee, a sandwich, anything.”

“I already ate.” His deep voice permeates through me. “But a cup of coffee does sound pretty good.”

“Again, sorry.”

“You didn’t know I’d be here.” He waves his thick hand through the air. “Besides, I’ve got a Nespresso machine in my office.” He moves toward me. “No offense, but it’s much better than that deli stuff.”

“Never had it.”

“What?” His eyes grow wide. “Well, then allow me to introduce you.” He turns on his heel and heads out the door but stops when I don’t follow. “Aren’t you coming?”
