Page 35 of Savage Deal

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“Wow!” She breathed out, her eyes barely open and her face flushed with desire. “I’ve never…”

“Not ever?” There weren’t many things that shocked me. I’d seen and done a lot of shit, but where had she been hiding?“Not even by touching yourself?”

She shook her head, looking away from me.

“Beautiful.” I slowly kissed her, taking my time to revel in her warmth, her innocence, and my possession of her. “We have a lot to examine.”

“That was okay for you?”

“You fucking made me come in my underwear.” I growled as I kissed her neck.“It was better than okay.”

“You’re not mad that I’m in your bed?”

“I don’t like having my privacy invaded, but I can make an exception this time.”

“It was Sasha’s fault.”

“Remind me to reward Sasha with a new toy.”

“Can I give it to her?” The excitement in her expression intrigued me. “I’ve never had a dog before. I’ve always wanted one, and I really like her.”

How could a woman this alluring be so naive? I had no business exploring a relationship with her. She was far too innocent to handle my world. If she learned who I really was, and what I was capable of, would she still look at me that way? There was a vulnerability in her faultless eyes. Did she believe I was her savior? Did I make her see me that way?

“I want you to come to the club with me tomorrow.” I held her against me. “Well, I guess it’s more like tonight now.”


“I’ll leave a dress on your bed.” I held her close to me. “Be ready by eight.”

She rested her head on my shoulder, holding on to me with a reliance I wasn’t used to. I glided my fingers through her hair, realizing her need for me to care for her was as strong as my desire to look after her.

Do I deserve that responsibility?

Chapter 11


Jude took my hand as we walked into the eloquent club. I had no idea what to expect, but it wasn’t this. It was more like an upscale restaurant. Not that I had ever been in a nice restaurant, but I’d seen them in movies.

I adjusted the silver dress with the plunging neckline so my boobs wouldn’t pop out, but when I tugged the dress up, I almost exposed my cha cha.Jeeze!Trying to be sexy was a lot of work.

“Stop fidgeting.” Jude squeezed my hand. “You look amazing.”

“I feel awkward, and people are staring at me.”

“They’re staring at you because you’re beautiful.” He kissed my knuckles. “Own your beauty. Be confident in it.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” He looked amazing and more than confident in his gray suit with the light blue shirt and matching tie. “You don’t even have to try.”

“That’s because I own it.”

As we walked through the swanky eating area with a large, lighted bar in the center, Jude smiled and greeted people. He kept me close to him as he stopped and spoke to a few of them.

“I don’t understand.” I looked out at the large windows that boasted a gorgeous view of the harbor and all of the boats. “I thought this was a club.”

“It is.”

“But no one is dancing.”
